BMR VS MFP - So confused! Please help.

Hi all, really need some help as so confused about this.

At 180lbs MFP calculated a daily calorie intake of 1200 and I generally burn up to 400 a day through exercise. I eat some of my exercise calories but not all and I have days where I go over my allocated allowance, though this is only every now and again for birthdays etc.

I was losing an av of 2lbs per week when it suddenly stopped and this week I have stayed the same on the scale. The tape measure says I have lost a total of 6.5 inches in 20 days so shall I just persevere on 1200 plus exercise cals or do I need to take my BMR into account and adjust what I am eating??

Phew! Hope someone can help me with this, I really need some guidance.

H x


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    If you have a lot of weight to lose it is safe to eat under BMR, once you get closer to your goal you should eat closer to BMR or even between BMR and maintenance calories.
  • HelenTheKitchen
    You've hit the dreaded plateau. It happens to every person trying to lose weight. The weight may come off a little slower for a while now, but persevere. Don't decrease your calorie intake, actually bumping it up a couple of calories might help more. Try switching up your foods too. Try to take in some healthier fats (nuts, avocados, hummus, seeds, etc.), and keep on exercising. It'll all even out soon.
  • tekiegirl
    tekiegirl Posts: 78 Member
    Mixing up your exercise can also help with a plateau, e.g changing from cycling to weights or running.
    I'm planning to change from my usual routine soon. It's hard as I am used to it, but I know I need to do it. :o)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    MFP does sort of take into account your BMR. Let's quick do a few definitions of what numbers you should be looking at and what realistic calorie goals are now that you've lost some weight.

    Ok so Number 1 important # Your "CALORIES BURNED FROM DAILY ACTIVITY" (Click "My home" and then "Goals" then look to the right under "YOUR DIET PROFILE"). This number is based on your height, weight, age and the "level" of activity you clicked when starting MFP. This is what MFP estimates you burn every day and is the number you calculate your deficit from.

    BMR- This is the amount of calories that MFP estimates you would burn if you did nothing but sleep for 24hrs. As you get closer to your goal, this becomes a good baseline for your minimum "Net" Calories.

    Ok now for the mathy stuff. On your home page there should be an equation that looks like this:


    The goal for you each day is to eat enough that your NET calories come as close to matching your GOAL calories each day. If you are at 1200 cals a day, stalling and not eating your exercise calories I would say that you should 1) Adjust your "loss per week" expectation 2) Eat enough so that your NET calories are at least 1200 and at highest match your Goal calories.
  • HBean
    HBean Posts: 55

    Ok now for the mathy stuff. On your home page there should be an equation that looks like this:


    The goal for you each day is to eat enough that your NET calories come as close to matching your GOAL calories each day. If you are at 1200 cals a day, stalling and not eating your exercise calories I would say that you should 1) Adjust your "loss per week" expectation 2) Eat enough so that your NET calories are at least 1200 and at highest match your Goal calories.

    Thanks! I was worried that I wasn't eating enough/or the right kind of things. I'll keep an eye on my net cals from now on and see how I go over the next few weeks. Thanks for your help everyone :flowerforyou: