Demanding job- How can I fit exercise in?



  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    My motto has always been... find the busiest looking person and ask them. What i mean is, if you think you have the time to do something you will.

    My husband and I both are self-proclaimed work-a-holics who put way too many hours in on the job and play just as hard. We have two young boys, 9 & 11, and a fairly large home and property to maintain. We have a dog, cat, fish, tortoise, snake, and chicken - our own little farm :) We get up early and work late. In that time, I get 1-2 hours of exercise in a a day. Yes, that means I changed my hairstyle so I take 10 minutes off on doing my hair. I eat in the car on my way to work or keep my smoothie on my desk. I exercise at lunch. Weekends, I'm still up early. I push hard while awake, and got to bed to get 8 hour of sleep almost every night. My work is stressful, but I insist on my workout to keep my stress in check. I will admit, I haven't sat down and watched TV in a long time, but you can always do squats and lunges or jog in place during your TV hour, or get a treadmill or elliptical for that TV time.

    You can do it - I think you will find that if you take the time, you will feel better, have more time and energy and will get more done. Plus, it will take the stress of a demanding job away and you will be more productive at work too.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Put bluntly you have time for an hour of TV, but no time to work out?? Sounds like you have your priorities wrong bud!

    If you want your schedule to remain what it is than I would get up at 4:30 to work out at least 3 days a week. Either that or start shuffle things around. You can also prepare meals ahead of time on a weekend and freeze them so they are quick microwave meals. Everyone else hit the nail on the head that this is like most of our schedules, so a new job will not help. You need to make your workout a priority if you are serious about it. I had work try to call me thing morning right as I was walking out the door to the gym with a 'critical' thing. I told them call me back in an hour and I will get it done and left to head to the gym. :laugh: Work will always be there and they don't care if you are healthy or not, you need to take control when it comes to working out.
  • luvbugsmom
    luvbugsmom Posts: 40 Member
    I only get 30 min lunch breaks but it doesnt take me 30 min to eat. So I usually walk the little trails we have in the areas. Plus I try to take a break or two during the day to walk out side as well. Are you allowed to take an exercise ball to work? We were just recently told we cannot have those at my job anymore, but I would use that between phone calls and meetings. Plus I have two little ones (both under the age of 2) and I make sure that I go to the gym at lease 4-5 days a week. And my girls love going too. They get to play in the day care, and do exercises for their age!! Its a fun family time as well!! Also instead of watching TV, make that your work out time!!! Or Work out while your watching tv!!! Theres lots you can do!!! Hope this helped you out. If you ever need encouraging, just let me know!! **Friend request me if you want!
  • eleonoreOU
    eleonoreOU Posts: 83 Member
    Buy a treadmill and instead of watching tv from the couch. watch it from the treadmill...
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I have a similar schedule. Make YOURSELF a priority.

    For me, this means eating at my desk and taking my lunch hour to exercise. I'm blessed with a gym in my building. I can fit in a 30 minute cardio, still shower and get back to my desk in time. And that midday exercise gives me ENERGY in the afternoon and the evenings!!!

    If you can't workout every day, make it a point to do it 3x a week or even 2x a week. I started small with 2x a week and after a year was going 5x a week, HATING to miss my gym-lunch.

    If you can't manage to work out during lunch, for various reasons, look up small exercises you can do at your desk. Some examples, and they might seem silly....

    - sit UPRIGHT on the very edge of your desk chair. this engages your core muscles.... abs, back muscles, etc.

    - clench your butt, release. Repeat ad nauseum. I had a friend who was NOT thin by any means, who did this and had a rear so tight you could bounce a quarter off it!

    - make sure no one is looking and do 10 squat thrusts in your work area, or just squats. anything to work those muscles.

    - don't email/message/call a nearby coworker. run down there and talk to them (unless you are like me and like a papertrail to CYA :laugh:)

    - instead of carrying a large stack of paperwork for filing (or whatever your particular work situation is), make multiple trips. the extra steps will help!

    Any little additions will increase your health!!!!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Put bluntly you have time for an hour of TV, but no time to work out?? Sounds like you have your priorities wrong bud!

    I disagree. Every one needs downtime to unwind.

    While watching tv, walk on a treadmill.
    Can't afford a treadmill, like me? :wink:
    Walk in place. Start small. Do it during commercials.
    Bored walking in place? Do side bends. Jumping jacks. Dance like Ellen DeGeneres.
    Anything to move :smile:

  • kbray003
    kbray003 Posts: 52
    You just said hour of TV.... there's an hour right there.... Start paying attention to how much time you waste and you will see that you can make time to exercise.... You make time to shower, eat, etc. so make exercise a part of your life.
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    You just do ....I work from 7:30-7 6 days every other week and 5 days on others. Just do