straight information: losing fat and getting healthy

hey everyone, i wanted to tell you about a site I visit a lot. I LOVE they are smart, funny and everything they say is based on scientific fact. so no crazy BS telling you to go vegan for their own personal reasons(ie Skinny ***** Diet) or that eating bacon instead of veggies is a good plan to get thin (atkins) etc.

They speak in layman's terms and give you straight info depending on if you are trying to lose fat, maintain your weight or build muscle. They answer lots of questions and they dont make you buy anything (although they do use their site to promote their book). I haven't bought it yet--does anyone have it? is it helpful for you??

Anyway, its not a fancy site but just thought id let you know that i like their no BS approach to getting healthy/fit and its a relief to hear a REAL answer as opposed to a billion unfounded opinions posted on MFP. I love MFP for motivation and tracking calories but there is A LOT of misinformation posted by people who dont know or who heard from someone who heard from someone....
