Is it ok if I go out out my BPM zone?

My heart rate monitor keeps alerting me that I am out of my "heart rate zone". It says it should be b/w 125-164 but I am constantly & consistently above the zone, especially during a cardio workout. Is this bad?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    The higher it is the more cals you will burn/minute. That being said as long as you are not going over your max HR. Max HR is 220-your age so for you it would be 193 BPM (220-27)
  • jen0125
    jen0125 Posts: 53
    Even the max heart rate calculation is a general guide and everyone is different. My heart rate is often in the low 200's and that's just fine. I like the talk test. As long as I can say my address, for example, without gasping for breath in between then I am fine :)
  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    Since your Max HR is 193 you can look at the chart and see what zone you want to be in when you are exercising.