I'm new and ready to make a change.

I am in the second half of my life and always struggled with my weight. I came across myfitnesspal and want to really put an effort in exercising and eating right. I really want to lose weight before summer and I am tired of feeling awful about my physical self. I am glad that there are many others that feel the same and I look forward to utilizing all the tools available on this site. I'm so exicited.


  • wendyllp112
    Good luck with your journey!
  • lilbylil
    lilbylil Posts: 20 Member
    welcome to MFP. this is a great first step!
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome and congrats on taking the first step!!! Add me if you would like!
  • missrugby
    missrugby Posts: 31
    Congrats. I am new to this site as well, but so far I love it! Add me if you like!
  • pigmentpro
    This website (and iPhone app) have been extremely beneficial to me and I know you'll get a lot of use out of it too. You have to be sure to log in EVERYDAY and really keep track of not only your calorie intake, but also your sugars, fat and carbs. This is the first step to getting to your goal. Congrats!
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    Welcome! :smile:
  • BrittBrat33
    This is only my third day! And i am enjoying the fact that i can see exactly what it is that i am putting in my body Carbs. Fats. ext....It is a great tool and if we all stick to it I KNOW WE WILL REACH OUR GOALS!! Keep up the awesome work and add me if you would like to?! Thanks!! CHEERS :drinker: