Fat had one benefit

I love my new lifestyle and bod and wouldn't change it for anything, but fat did do one thing for me... It kept me warm! I live in the northeast and also have reynauds phenomenon (spastic blood vessels in fingers and toes). Since I have dropped weight, I am freezing, and the Raynauds is worse than ever. At the risk of sounding whiny and ungrateful, can anyone else relate to this? It's a small price to pay for better overall health, but it is totally annoying. I was just at grocery store, and as soon as my hands touch the metal shopping cart, they blanch completely white and go numb.


  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    :glasses: but won't you feel better in the summer without the extra layer?
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I've always been very cold. Ever since I was a kid I would bring a sweater if I knew I was going to the grocery store....it's FREEEEZING in there!! Look at it this way...it just gives you a reason to wear cute hats, gloves and scarves!!! ;)
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    One of my employees has the same thing... but I am also familiar with it because of my job. Dress warm and layer. Enjoy the new body!!!
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    My fiance has Raynauds as well, his hands even turn bright orange and purple sometimes! You've just got to dress VERY warm and wear gloves everywhere, a light pair for indoors (when you can) and a heavy pair for outdoors.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    This totally happens to my fingers and toes! I call it 'dead finger' or 'dead toe' depending on which appendage is afflicted. It's so freaky because they turn completely white and it happens INSTANTLY.

  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    I've been thinking exactly the same thing...I get cold easily anyway, but with this cold weather I'm even wimpier than usual these past couple weeks after losing a few pounds. Again, don't want to complain, but noticing it for sure! Need to wear another sweater!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I don't have raynauds, but I have always been very cold blooded... I FREEZE! even in the summer, I like my blankets warm! So I understand. I have lost almost 4 percent of my body fat, and I notice it EVEN MORE! my hands are always cold. But I welcome it! I know that come summer I am going to look smoking hot in my swimsuit! haha
  • PrincessLacey
    I love my new lifestyle and bod and wouldn't change it for anything, but fat did do one thing for me... It kept me warm! I live in the northeast and also have reynauds phenomenon (spastic blood vessels in fingers and toes). Since I have dropped weight, I am freezing, and the Raynauds is worse than ever. At the risk of sounding whiny and ungrateful, can anyone else relate to this? It's a small price to pay for better overall health, but it is totally annoying. I was just at grocery store, and as soon as my hands touch the metal shopping cart, they blanch completely white and go numb.

    I swear i used to be able to sit in an air conditioned room for 30-1 hr before getting cold now it takes about 10-15 minutes and I am freezing!
    but i don't miss the fat xD
    but still i do live in florida it does have advantages it's still hot but I'm not literally dripping with sweat so yay :D
    plus i breath normal now
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I can't get used to this. I never had a problem with being cold before (even living in Canada) but now that I've lost the weight, my fingers are cold all the time, which seems to make the rest of me cold. I need to wear a sweater indoors all the time and I shiver (as in teeth chattering) more than I ever remember.

    I also just found out that I guess I have Raynaud's. I was walking home last night (and yeah, it was cold, but I was bundled up and thought I'd be fine) when my hands (which would covered in mittens) felt all numb and as though they were wet. When I got home, i took off my gloves and my hands were much paler than usual and my fingers were redish purple. I thought my gloves had leeched onto my hands, but after running them under tepid water (I knew better than to use boiling hot), the colour came back to normal. I don't have a lot of fat on them so I guess it got chilled to the bone. (my nails are fine though -- in fact I stopped biting them so now their getting nice and longer, and they look fantastic!)
  • milehighcritic
    I have noticed my tolerance for the cold has reduced since loosing weight. I was snowboarding last Saturday up at Loveland. My hands and legs where colder than usual. Flip side I had allot more energy.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Me too! My dad had it and so do I. My fingers will turn white sometimes in the cold. If my students fall asleep in class I wake them up with my freezing cold hands on their neck:laugh: Think of all the other health problems you would have from being over weight. If I'm going to be outside I buy those hot hand things, you crack them and they get hot and you put them in your pockets to keep you hands warm. I can do things to prevent my hands and feet from getting cold if I think ahead. You chose the right path!!
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Me too! My dad had it and so do I. My fingers will turn white sometimes in the cold. If my students fall asleep in class I wake them up with my freezing cold hands on their neck:laugh: Think of all the other health problems you would have from being over weight. If I'm going to be outside I buy those hot hand things, you crack them and they get hot and you put them in your pockets to keep you hands warm. I can do things to prevent my hands and feet from getting cold if I think ahead. You chose the right path!!

    Lol. I think that I am singlehandedly keeping the hot hands and toes company afloat! I go through boxes of them every winter! Congrats to you on your weight loss! Our start and end points are very similar.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    My hands are frequently cold at work on computer - I even brought my fingerless mittens in when it was super cold. I drink a lot of hot tea sometimes just to wrap my fingers around the mug!

    My husband just mentioned this morning that I should be cooler in the summer - I hope so especially when it is humid!
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I have never heard of Raynaud's before, but I am going to look into it! i also am very cold all the time, even more so now that I've dropped a few pounds, but I always figured that was just me. Yes, my toes frequently turn that white (dead) color. I live in MN and it has been a very cold winter. I work at home, but I hate when I have to go out at night because I just can't get warm after I get home. Kind of a catch 22 for me because I NEED to get out of the house for my sanity, but for warmth sometimes I don't even want to leave. I have been known to wear wool socks to bed, over cotton ones because the wool itches, and that does help my feet. I drink a lot of hot tea.

    :laugh: When I have the crockpot on I use it as a hand warmer, lol. I stand there with my hands on the lid and say AHHHHH!!!!