
RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
edited September 24 in Chit-Chat
Got any? What are they?

I've got a few.

Road Dog -- obviously. Just from the guys I ride with. Except one guy calls me "Joe Pike" I guess it's a literary thing. Going to have to read the book.

Mikey -- Seems to be the nickname all my daughters friends call me. The girls anyways. I make the boys call me Mr. Vallandingham.

Michael -- Wife calls me Michael when she's "in the mood". Which is very confusing, because my Mom always called me Michael when she was scolding me.

Big V -- Don't know where that started, but that's what they call me on my soccer team. Before my father passed away, he used to introduce himself to my soccer mates as "The Original" Big V.

V Man -- Group of guys from earlier times.

Crazy Luke -- My fellow Marines, back in the day.

Got a couple nicknames my first wife had for me. Not going to share thim with you.

What are your nicknames?


  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    "Mikey -- Seems to be the nickname all my daughters friends call me. The girls anyways. I make the boys call me Mr. Vallandingham. " <--- bahahaha I love your parenting lol it cracks me up!!

    Peeps- My last name is Person, I guess that's where it came from

    Half-Pint- That is what my dad calls me, probably because I have always been short :)

    ShaLayLee- A shortened version of Ash-a-lay-lee ... also from my dad (shakes head) lol but now my neices and nephews call me Aunti Laylee so it's kind of cute

    I love soccer nicknames, everyone on my soccer team called me peeps and at half refs and opposing players would always ask me what everyone on my team was calling me lol... The best part is that I would routinely stick it to 6'2" grown men (I play left back, indoor soccer) and there is something fabulous about getting owned by a 5'2" girl in pink shorts named Peeps muahahhaha <3
  • DivaDLB
    DivaDLB Posts: 85 Member
    Sissy - by my sisters and brothers
    Shades - by my girlfriends because Iike to wear shades.
    Ginger or Chocolate - by my Sweetie because I love ginger and because I look like chocolate
    Midget Molly - by my parents because I was short
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Mine are boring...
    Schnookums, Hunny Bunny, Or Sexy Thang all from the Boyfriend (even as fat as I am, he still loves me)
    Work Wife (S_dot-on my friends list & Friend from last job)
    Huerja (friend-spanish for pale skinned girl),
    The Worden (Children's Father and his Family)---That's right-don't forget it!!!
    My Mom calls me another name that I try to take to my grave with me.
    Chrissy-Only my family on my Mother's side. HATE IT!!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    My coworkers nicknamed me Tsunami because it sounds like the first part of my RL name and the way I used to crush people in debates
    When I waited friends lol, used to call me Frenchie, because they thought I was a great conversationalist among our group but I was aloof with my tables.
    Also I have a tendency (I know my damned flaws) to get on a soapbox about things so they call me "Soapbox Real Name here"
    My husband calls me: delicate flower regularly. ROFL, gadget girl because I like electronics (computers, Kindle, cell phones etc)
    My bff calls me Classic Rock girl because unlike her, I like a ton of classic rock and my cutoffs
    When I was a kid they called me Encyclopedia ..or Olive Oil because I was slender and tall and a brunette.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    My birth given name is Chrissy. It's not short for Christina or Christine or anything.

    My husband always calls me Baby, Babydoll, or Babygirl.

    I've always been Sissy to my younger sister.

    I've always been half-pint to my dad.

    A few people try to call me Chris, but eventually drop it because it just doesn't suit me.

    Petnames besides these (darling, babe, hottness, etc.) not really nicknames.

    A friend from college used to call me Redhot.

    Cherrybomb (I call her my Danicracker.)

    Sexy Red. ( I call her my Blonde Bombshell).
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Legs, Tall Girl, Kamalicious, and *****... to name a
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member

    AOC= Army of (cl)One

    Stretch (6'4")

  • jenniix
    jenniix Posts: 15
    Jenn, Jenny - Just shorts of my name. Jenny is big around my family... I think they do it to irritate me.

    Jennface - Not sure where that came from.

    Matthew - Not really one anymore, but it was when I was in high school. Within the first week of school, my English teacher was going around with the seating chart and asked if my name was "Matthew" because there was one listed where I was sitting. >.> My friends took advantage of that.

    Cookie - Not really one anymore, either. But it was because of my last name.

    Stilts - Happened in middle school. I was TALL and SKINNY!

    There's others, but I really don't want to share them. Hehe.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    The one nickname I ever had is not pg 13 so I cant say
  • jenniix
    jenniix Posts: 15
    I've always been Sissy to my younger sister.

    My younger sister always calls me Sissy, too. :) She NEVER wants to call me by my name because it's "too weird". Haha.
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    My real name is Judith....& my nickname has always been" Juju"...or sometimes called simply just " Ju" yeah is probably not that original ....but my nickname

    my hubby calls me" kitty" I love cats & (insider)
  • mrscjwilson
    mrscjwilson Posts: 252
    The names Charlene

    Nicknames: Char (most of my friends)
    Charlie (immediate family)
    Buffy/Bufanda (one of my uncles? hes weird though)
    Pookie/Pooks (my street name; thug life LOL....teenage nickname hahaha)
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I've had a few..

    Shorty - my cousin has always called me that because I'm only 5'0" and she's way taller than me.

    Prila (which is my username for like everything since high school) - some freshman kid gave me that name in high school. I was like 2 grades above him but he always called me that and it just stuck.

    Quarter Panel - When I was younger a lot of my dad's friends would call me this because I would always ask what parts of cars were.

    People mostly call me Prila though. My RL name is April... basically you take April and put hte A at the end.. you get Prila. LOL
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    A Damn Good Time - I am what I provide.

    Anubis - It's my artist name. I rap.

    *kitten* - Because I am one.

    B - Simple. My name is Bryan.

    Brain/Brayn-iac [with a "Y" = a play on the spelling of my name] - Because I'm a smart *kitten* with trivial knowledge of many things.

    Chronic Mastervaper/Cloud Master/Smoke King - I blow thick clouds of vapor from vaping on my e-cig...and from a former lifestyle of alternate substance abuse.

    Crazy - Due to my eccentricity spikes in my personality.

    Doc - I have experience with psychological and medical background knowledge.

    Fu Manchu - My personality and feacial fatures give off that impression.

    Genius - I'm extremely insightful with creative personal life philosophies.

    Playa/Pimp - I have my moments, but those moments apparently seem to leave lasting impressions.

    Scumbag Motherf*cker - When the immediately aforementioned trait leaves said lasting impressions.

    Skinny/Slim - Recent since my weight loss.

    And now you know *just* a little more behind the man behind the cloud.

    *And I'm well aware of the "lysdexic" was intentional. So was the alphabetized order.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    The one nickname I ever had is not pg 13 so I cant say

    THUNDERP*SSY! Hahahahaha.. I've been watching older episodes of Aqua Teen Hunger Force lately.
  • NoWomb4More
    NoWomb4More Posts: 30 Member
    There's some good ones on here. I'm jealous, mine are rather boring.
    Mother Theresa (my name is Theresa)
    T (my sister and BFF)
    Trixie (one of the Dr.'s I work for...he told me he thought it would be a good stage name for me, I told him I don't even want to know what I"m doing on a stage in his fantasties!)
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Faerie grams started this before I can even remember......said I always looked like a little faerie

    Faerie hubby
    Or Faerie Nemesis
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Casper - I was pasty white, round, have a knack for sneaking up on and scaring people, and quite friendly.

    Matt - I don't know where this got started, but for the past 10 years people call me Matt, randomly. Not "Bob", or "David", or "Jason"...always Matt. I can tell someone my name is Adam, and five seconds later they will call me Matt.
  • Dmonique85
    Dmonique85 Posts: 112
    Dee, Dede, one of my friends on here calls me Domonique...which I like, so I won't tell her it's not my name. Dani (yuck), Yella (best friend), Moni/Juju (from my middle name & Randomness) Pookie (bf) and Dyelle (no one in my family says my name DANIELLE correctly which is ok, because I don't like my name), Yellsa ("uncle") & DJ (Initials) :D
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    My name's Elyse, so the family always calls me Lysie... I used to hate it until my adorable blue-eyed nephew started calling me that whereas everyone else is just Uncle this or Auntie that

    My boyfriend calls me puff and caterpillar cuz I've always got my down comforter wrapped around me

    My pole dancing gals (it's a sexy @ss fitness class) call me dizzy cuz I spin super fast lol

    Slasher was from my lacrosse days cuz I always got called for roughness

    The obvious boyfriend ones (baby, honey, babe, blah blah blah)

    My brother calls me Hugh because he's ALWAYS given me crap about my "junk in the trunk" and used to ask if my last name was Jass... the Hugh part stuck lol
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