Ready to introdruce myself

rizorw Posts: 67 Member
I have been on MFP for 30 days now, but I started my weight loss diet in January. I have gotten used to eating healthier and logging my food every day and I have even started to exercise. I have never stuck to a diet longer than 3 days before. But my weight has totally spun out of control. I am only 5’1” and started with a weight of 181! Yikes! 60 or even 30 days ago I would not have admitted this to anyone. I was so embarrassed. Now after finding MFP I have seen true inspiration from others that had more weight to loose that me and are proud of where they came from (weight wise).

To date I have lost 18lbs. I owe the start of my getting on board to the inspiration to the Girls at work. They started a weight watchers and I watched them transform their habits and bodies a little at a time. And if they can do it, why can’t I? The perfect opportunity came when a group at work was started on Jan 4th. It is called the biggest looser challenge and we weigh in every Monday morning and there is a monthly winner. We all signed up and are working together to loose the weight. As a matter of fact it was a co-worker that told me about MFP (Thanks Sue!) and I have not looked back since.

A little about myself… I am 33 married and have two wonderful children (Rebecca 6 & Michael 5) and two step children that are now both 18. Michael is a great little boy who is slightly autistic and he kept me on my toes when he was a toddler (and beyond). I often said “I never get to sit and relax, so how can I be gaining all this weight!” Any of you with a child with special needs (or very active toddlers) know what I mean when I say this. But the weight kept coming and I kept wondering.

My husband was a candidate for bariatric surgery so I went through all the diet and doctors with him, so I knew what I needed to do, I just didn’t want to do it. It was the moment that I was sitting on the floor playing cards with my daughter that I realized that no matter how I sat, I couldn’t be on the floor for long because my legs would fall asleep. I was robbing my child of important one-on-one time because I was fat! This was my wake up call.

I plan to keep loosing and have goals set so I can feel good about myself when I go on vacation to the beach in June. I am pretty excited and SO happy I found this website full of people who understand and don’t judge. Thanks everyone for being so helpful and supportive with their posts and blogs! Good Luck to everyone and God Bless you all.

I know this is a lot (sorry). Thanks for listening and sharing in my story.


  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Good for you! Welcome to the world of support you will get from this site. We are all at different places in our journey, but can all relate to how it feels when we know we need to change. Good luck with everything. Make friends it helps!
  • psink
    psink Posts: 7 Member
    :flowerforyou: great job! I am new to this site as well and really look forward to the motivation and accountability this site will give me. Your story is inspiring and I wish you the determination you need (we all need) to get to your goal. Anything is better than nothing when it comes to trying to get healthier/losing weight and we have all made a step towards that by supporting each other and listening to what advice others have. Keep up the good work!