Hello Fitness pal friends! I'm new to this site..

Aaliyahgurl83 Posts: 23
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone,
My name is Shayla. I am from Illinois. I'm a single mom of 3 kids. My oldest is 6, my daughter is almost 4 and my youngest son is 16 months. They keep me busy and i dont have time to go to a gym so i dont get alot of excersie and i have a desk job. I do get up and walk around but primarly im at my desk. I eat when im hungry i snack sometimes when I just want something to do or it sounds good. I am currently about 154lbs give or take a few. I havent weighed my self since i was in the biggest loser here at work for fun. That was about 2 months ago. I would like to get down to 135. But I think i will set my goal weight at 140 and go from there. Any help or suggestions about eating right would be great! I normaly just eat whatever looks good. Even if its stopping at Mcdonalds twice a day... bad i know. But its easy and quick and thats what I need with working full time and being a full time single mom. The reasons I want to loose weight is because I am in a wedding in July and im a bridesmate. And the week after that I am going camping with friends so we will be out in the water and canoeing. I look at pictures from myself from last year and Im not happy with them from the last time we went camping in July. So I need some advice and help!


  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Welcome!! Just do your best to stick with the goals MFP sets for you.. workout when u can... You will do great!!!
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Welcome! You'll find lots of information and motivation here. You'll look great by July.
  • nikkelle
    nikkelle Posts: 8
    Welcome and good luck...
  • Solomonre0
    Solomonre0 Posts: 143 Member
    You're going to do great and you'll reach your goal in no time at all. This website is set up really well, what I like is that it doesn't judge too much on what you eat, just on the amount of calories (of course eating healthy is better) but if I feel like giving into my craving of a Mcdonald's hamburger I can! I just have to make sure it fits in with the rest of my foods for the day.
  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    You're off to a good start by signing up and asking for input. This is a great place for motivation from others who are in the same position as you. I just want to offer this: you can do whatever it takes if you really want to. I realize you are just stating the obstacles in your life that may have led you to where you are, but you have to leave those excuses behind. The biggest thing for me is planning ahead a little bit on what I'm going to eat. Eating healthy doesn't have to mean spending lots of $$$$. It's just starting the change and making it habit that has to happen. I'm sure if you search some other posts you'll find ways to get your kids involved too. Best of luck with your goals! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hey i have been doing this for about a week. I am wondering if you all think it is better to eat your exercise calories or not. I have been burning 500 to 1000+ calories daily with my exercise and keeping my calorie intake low, yet i still have only lost 2 lbs in the last 4 weeks. I feel like i am eating healthier than i have in a long time and i am switching up my exercises and my calorie intake as to keep my metabolism going. I am getting frustrated and just feel like pigging out since what i am doing seems to be getting me no where fast
  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    Hey i have been doing this for about a week. I am wondering if you all think it is better to eat your exercise calories or not. I have been burning 500 to 1000+ calories daily with my exercise and keeping my calorie intake low, yet i still have only lost 2 lbs in the last 4 weeks. I feel like i am eating healthier than i have in a long time and i am switching up my exercises and my calorie intake as to keep my metabolism going. I am getting frustrated and just feel like pigging out since what i am doing seems to be getting me no where fast

    Much debate on this site about this very subject, but I think it mostly leans toward always eating back at least most of your exercise calories. Be careful of people throwing around the term "starvation mode", that doesn't just happen overnight. Depending on what time you workout makes a little difference as to when you eat those calories, but you should always eat a good size breakfast. I've seen several times that breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day, but for most of us reality doesn't allow for that. Anyway, just try to spread out your calories through the day and definitely eat most if not all of your exercise calories. You really should be pretty close to your daily goal (net) as you can. I don't really sweat it within about 150 calories of the total daily numbers, as a lot of the items are estimated calories(exercise and food). I'm not a professional and not a doctor but these are my opinions and experiences, find what works for you. Good luck!
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