No Such Thing as Cheating



  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Amen! Like my fiancee says.."It's date night, splurge a bit!"
  • w031kmk
    w031kmk Posts: 2
    Pizza is my favorite food, it always has been. I have been doing well with this MFP for about 60 days now and if I am really craving it, I let myself have it! I agree that if you try to give up all the things you will be more likely to fail. If i do well all week, and on that Friday night my friends suggest ordering pizza, I join in. I moderate and don't eat nearly as much as I used to, or will resist breadsticks for example, but I let myself enjoy my favorite food!
    I really liked your post, keep on keepin' on!
  • Seriously, your MFP pals actually told you you were only “ALLOWED” to eat one piece of pizza? WTF? There is no way I would keep someone on my team who posted that about something I was going to eat. Just because pizza would not be their choice, they think that have the right to dictate what your choices should be? I’m floored by this.

    But, I believe strongly that there is no such thing as a forbidden or off-limit food. There is only what we choose to eat and not choose to eat at any given meal. We are only accountable to ourselves for each and every choice. And unless you actually asked whether you should eat pizza, I do not understand why any so-called-friend, felt the need to say anything other than, “Enjoy it."

    This particular MFP friend is no longer an MFP friend. She's a nice lady, but I prefer friends that don't judge and allow me to make my own decisions!
  • LORR79
    LORR79 Posts: 55
    I totally agree with you. Life isnt about constantly restricting yourself and being virtous!

    I made cripsy cakes with the kids tonight and too right I had one,or make that two :laugh:

    They dont need to hear that I cant have a treat they've made because im "on a diet". If its counted for and you come in at your goal then why not.
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