Brewer's yeast?

My mom handed me a tub of this stuff and said to take it its good for you. Searched online looks like its loaded with b-vitamins chromium, and selenium. Anyone taking this stuff? and how does it work for you?


  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    I use it a lot since I'm mainly vegetarian. I was actually raised Vegan but I have been vegetarian most of my adult years. One of my favorite ways to use Brewer's yeast is on popcorn. I first spray the popcorn with olive oil and then sprinkle the brewers yeast on it.
    I make my own YUM rice dish. I don't know if you have YUM Bowls (restaurant) where you live? We do and they are wonderful. It's a wonderful recipe if you want it, I'll share.
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    Here's that YUM sauce. It's actually called Heavenly Sauce, but it tastes almost exactly like the YUM BOWLS.
    Heavenly Sauce for Rice

    Sorry Recipe did not post. I will put it on the Recipe board.
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    Sorry the whole recipe above did not copy. I will put it in the recipe posts.
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    I'm trying this again....
    Heavenly Sauce for Rice

    ½ cup canola oil
    ½ cup toasted sliver almonds or
    Toasted whole hazelnuts
    1/3 cup cooked garbanzo beans, drain
    ¼ cup cooked soybeans, drain
    4 cloves garlic
    ½ cup water
    ½ cup fresh lemon juice
    1/3 Cup nutritional yeast
    2 teas. Ponzu seasoning or soy sauce
    1/2 teas. salt
    1/2 teas. dried basil
    1/4 teas. curry powderHeavenly Sauce for Rice
    1/4 teas cumin powder
    1/8 teas. ascorbic acid (for zing) it's actuall vit. C Blend all, serve over brown rice with any toppings you want. Like, Avacodo, black olives, green onions, tomoatoes etc...
    Note--nutritional yeast and brewers yeast are the same thing. Yeast for rising bread, etc. is NOT the same thing
  • EdwardCPT
    EdwardCPT Posts: 37
    yum bowls? I haven't heard of it. what area are you from? Im not sure if they have that here in california. I would give the recipe a try, but it doesnt fit into my diet at the moment. maybe i'll give it a try after the summer. I'll try maybe mixing it with my protein shake in the morning one day
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    I'm from the Northwest. (Oregon, Willamette Valley) It might be a local place but I thought it was a franchise. The YUM bowls are so good. People are always trying to copy their sauce and this is the closest I've found to the taste of the real YUM sauce.