I don't know what is wrong with me!



  • Sheltie4
    Sheltie4 Posts: 65 Member
    Stop trying to be perfect and just concentrate on being better. You don't have to make the best choice, just don't make the worst one.

    You have to enjoy what you are doing otherwise you will give up and be right back where you started plus a couple more pounds.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Set aside time to plan your menus and keep a spreadsheet or poster of the number of calories in your favorite foods. Take steps to take the guess work out.

    Planning menus is TEDIOUS! I just planned one week of meals and it took me nearly four hours! However, each meal is VERY different from the last, calories are controlled AND I now have a shopping list of exactly what I need. I highly recommend making time to plan ahead. It helps when you can prep all your food for the week in advance and just reheat! :)

    Good luck! :)
  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    I try not to completely deprive myself of those foods that are not healthiest. I can't give myself cheat days because then I will binge and go overboard, what I do is allow myself to have a cheat every now and then when I want it and just work it into my calories. I don't do this all the time but when I feel like I just can't leave it there then I allow myself to have some. Just make sure to work it into your calories and make sure you're getting enough servings of the healthy stuff and you'll be fine! I know that it's hard and I often want to give up as well, but then again I'm just starting out. I know that this is a journey, a long journey, and it's ok to stumble here and there. I don't try to take it too seriously and I know that as long as I keep going then the weight will come off! :)
  • ShonzG
    ShonzG Posts: 73 Member
    Think about all the things associated with being overweight that make you sick.............I am sick of having knees that hurt all the time............sick if wearing fat old lady clothes..............sick of feet that hurt.............sick of a fat roll hanging over the top of my jeans...............sick of back fat.............sick of not being able to climb a flight of stairs wihtout getting out of breath.....and so on. Maybe it will help. Good luck.

    What you said is so "right on" - my sentiments exactly!!

    I can't wait for that day!! I know I'm going inthe right direction, and one day it will happen for me - and for anyone else that tries!

  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    There is nothing wrong with you and we all have days where we just think why am i bothering especially when nothing seems to be happening. But as others have said is the small things they make the difference and they do really.
    Have you tried measuring rather that scales? I have only lost 2lbs on scales but have lost a few inches from everywhere.
    I also still eat all my favourite things just less of them if you give thing up completely you only crave them more.
    I sat for days craving the supermarkets bakery giant cookies a whopping 263 cal each so i gave in and got some i had one and the rest are still in the cupboard and you know i realised i actually didnt want them. i only wanted them because i couldnt if you know what i mean.
    Stay strong you can do this xxx
  • jrherc
    jrherc Posts: 1 Member
    sometimes it's good to take a day off of your diet in the first stages. i happen to take every sunday off. i might swing by the gym and do a little cardio in the morning but then i've got an excuse to eat off my diet and not feel guilty. and i'm still averaging losing my goal of 2 pounds a week.
  • bellarox13
    bellarox13 Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you all for your advice and support. So today I kept up with my food diary and stuck to my calories. I just didn't do my workout, which I am a little disappouinted I didn't push myself to do it. Tomoorow is a new start and I know I can do this, I have to do this! I have to change my attitude that this is a diet, as a few have previously said, it is a lifestyle change. Well I know for sure i need that. I also know that since I started, I have enjoyed eating new and healthy foods and do feel alot better.

    Once again, thank you all for your support.
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