27LB loss in 32 Days



  • zabih
    zabih Posts: 18
    Thank you.
  • zabih
    zabih Posts: 18
    Yes, it is great, I feel like a new person. My wife is proud of me and Yes, it is not easy, I want to hit my goal for March 31st. if so, I will go on one more push for 30 more pounds thereafter...

    thank you for your note.
  • zabih
    zabih Posts: 18
    Congratulations to you, thank you for the word of advice, I will be sure to keep that in mind, i am not going to let you down... LOL promise me you wont let me down now... :)
  • zabih
    zabih Posts: 18
    88lb in my book is equal to 2.5 months of hardship. you have to go to gym 1.5 hours every morning, and cut all carbs, push for proteins and flood you with water... stay close to restroom cause it will for sure make you run.... LOL

    thank you.
  • zabih
    zabih Posts: 18
    well, I eat veggies, so I am getting my carbs regardless, that is why I am saying 0 is not possible, i am sure I am getting carbs, but if I know it is there, I will not eat it...

    I have got the Muscle Milk powder as well, it is 0 carbs, for breakfast it is the kick.
  • zabih
    zabih Posts: 18
    Thank you millions for the wonderful tip, that is the key, life style change and not diet.

    best of luck to you too.
    That's a great start, it's really motivating when you see positive outcomes for making those lifestyle changes.
    Keep up the good work, but remember that this is going to be for the long term - make sure the changes are sustainable and don't be discouraged if the next month's loss isn't so big.
    It's great to hear that you have good support around you, you can do it!!!
  • zabih
    zabih Posts: 18

    I wake up at 3:30AM (no that is not a typo, it is the time my alarm goes off) :(

    I get prepared and leave the house and drive for one hour and 10 minutes to city where my job is.

    now it is about 5:10AM

    I get my personal items and suit all in my locker and get on elliptical machine for 33 minutes. that is 28 + 5 cool down. once finished, I do the same machine for 15 more minutes

    Then I do 150 crunches (ab work)

    Then I do triceps and under arms 3 sets of 10/ 15 rep each alternatively

    Then I use another ab machine for 50 crunches

    Then I do bench press with 90LB 10 times 3 sets

    Then I do few other machines by now it is 6:10 or 6:15AM

    I shower and change into my work suit and drive to my office about 5-7 minutes from gym

    I get to my office before 7AM, I start drinking water after water after water.... and run to the rest room every 40 minutes (at least once)... I do this till 10AM

    Then I have a Activia yogurt, and backon my water and have a fiber pill and back on my water....

    For lunch I bring my home made veggies with two table spoons of egg beater (I make that every night when I get home (8:00PM).

    Total of 6 Liters of water per day and that is all I eat until dinner.

    for dinner my wife prepares the Salmon Burger for me I eat one patty of that with fork and a cup of hot green tea occasionally with lemon.

    PS: I also have a hug bottle of lemon juice at work that I mix with water some times... (that reminds me, I am out of that and need to go shopping..)

    hope this helps... Yes, I go to sleep at 9:00PM after kids go to bed, so get 6.5 Hours of sleep at most.

    let me know if you can do this.

  • zabih
    zabih Posts: 18
    My advise to you is do not be afraid, loose as much as you can as quickly as you can so you can enjoy your life soon, you can fight the battle with food when you are in shape... it will be easier then any ways.... don't you agree???

    at least that is my philosophy...
    yes please post! I'm sticking with 1200 calories and working out atleast 5 times a week and maintaining about 2 pounds lost a week. I'm afraid to loose more a week in fear I will loose it back and want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Would love to see what you are doing though!!
  • zabih
    zabih Posts: 18
    Making a drastic change at a high weight will contribute to insane weight loss. The more weight you have to lose, the faster it will come off.

    To OP: congrats on your weight loss, keep up the good work!!