New Member

I'm a 20 year old female trying to lose (hopefully) 80lbs by November for my wedding!! I've been over weight my whole life but was never motivated to do something about it until recently. I'm changing my eating habits and working out everyday! I'm really determined to lose weight, but I sometimes need a little push so if you do any challenges regularly please add me! :P


  • michelegrayson
    Hey Kristen,

    Welcome to the club and congratulations on your upcoming nuptials.

    The best advice I can offer is:

    Log EVERY day no matter what. Keep that promise to yourself, always and this will become a way of life for you.
    Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water
    Move, Move Move. Exercise, walk as much as you can, go dancing, instead of meeting friends for drinks/food, meet them for a hike, walk, run whatever it is you like to do. Choose to move it whenever you can
    Lift weights/stength train as that speeds up your metoabolism more and that means you burn fat faster!

    Good luck!!
  • kristenmachae
    Thanks so much!! I'm so excited about losing weight and I hope I can achieve my goal! Good Luck to you too!