Let's try this, for real this time...

MarscelHP Posts: 1
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
This is my 2nd legitimate attempt at losing weight and transitioning into a healthy lifestyle. I've always been one to impersonate those that like the outdoors, on the go, light on their feet (lol)! ...now it's time to stop playing and get for real!

This time last year, I had just hired a personal trainer and was doing AWESOME! I was consistent more so than I had ever been in my life and went from a whopping 340 lbs to 290 lbs! I had never felt better and couldn't wait to see what was next. I kept most of it off the majority of the year, but with me not being able to continue PT session (crazy expensive) and Summer starting to end, my old habits start to re-surge.

This past Winter I gained about 30 lbs back, putting me at 320 and failing fast. Since then I've started with some friends amber81588 (Amber) and paxros (Patrick), I have jumped back on the band wagon and with our family health challenge, I'm down to 305 lbs!

I still have a long way to go, but I'm more encouraged and motivated than ever and can't wait to see what the future holds!

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  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    Welcome to MFP! We all backslide but the key is to pick right back up again.

    This site has been a tremendous help to me (and of course everyone else) and I am sure you will find it a great tool to help you reach your goals.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Best of luck to you! Doesn't matter if you stumble, only that you're willing to get back up and try again!
  • EvilMomma
    EvilMomma Posts: 70 Member
    I just started over, too, after years of playing around with that diet or this one. I found this site and decided that it was just what I needed to get honest with myself about what I eat and how I (don't) exercise. I slipped up yesterday and way overate but started over this morning. My motto is Choice, Determination, Accountability. Good luck! And use the support here, its fabulous.
  • MaryBachert
    MaryBachert Posts: 66 Member
    I totally agree with the others posts. You have taken the initiative to start again and that is awesome. We all have down days, the thing is not to stay down there, but to get back up again, and learn from our mistakes!
  • I have been down the same road. Personal trainer lost weight and inches and felt so much better! But your right the expense is killer!! Most important though is that we are getting back on track! Good luck to you on your journey!
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