Are these Green Tea Fat Burner Capsules helping?

McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I've been taking two Liquid Soft Gel Green Tea Fat Burner capsules per day. They're by a company called Applied Nutrition. It says it has 400mg of EGCG in a full daily dose, which is two capsules twice a day. I'm taking half that, so 200mg EGCG, effectively.

Is that really going to do ANYTHING at all for metabolism or weight loss or am I just wasting money and kidding myself?

The internet seems split on the matter. :/




  • LOVEthighSELF
    LOVEthighSELF Posts: 104 Member
    I say yes but you would be better off drinking hot green tea I think.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I tried these with no results. I mean maybe I am more anti-oxident-y, but I didn't notice an improvement in my weight loss or how I felt. That being said, they're probably not hurting either, so...?
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    This is one of the sources I found full of positive info:


    One of the confusing things about shopping for vitamins and supplements is understanding the labels. EGCG---initials you might find proudly displayed on a bottle of weight loss supplements---stands for epigallocatechin gallate, a powerful antioxidant found in teas and some foods. It boosts your immune system and may help you lose weight and protect you against some diseases, including cancer.
    EGCG in Foods and Beverages

    EGCG, which you may also see on product labels as catechins or flavonoids, is the reason that foods such as blueberries, dark chocolate and red wine are touted as "super foods" in the media. Green tea contains especially high concentrations, which is why its use has soared in popularity in recent years. If EGCG is an ingredient in a vitamin or supplement you're taking, its value will depend on how much is included in the recommended dose. Clinical studies linking EGCG to health benefits involve the use of 300mg or more.
    Mayo Clinic Research

    In a clinical trial conducted by researchers at the Mayo Clinic, one third of leukemia patients who took EGCG in capsule form showed improvement. The patients had a common, currently incurable form of leukemia known as chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The study, led by Dr. Tait Shanafelt and published in 2009 in the "Journal of Clinical Oncology," involved administering 300mg to 2,000mg of EGCG in capsule form twice a day. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic are conducting a follow-up trial to further test possible benefits of EGCG in treating leukemia.
    EGCG and Belly Fat

    Men who consumed 660mg of EGCG lost significantly more weight than men who consumed 22mg of EGCG in a study conducted by Kevin Maki and published in 2009 in the "Journal of Nutrition." In Maki's study, EGCG was taken in tea form---the higher levels of catechins were in green tea, the lower ones in black tea. After 12 weeks, the green tea drinkers had lost 5.4 lbs. and the black tea drinkers 2.9 lbs. The men whose diets included more EGCG also lost significantly more weight in their abdomens. Participants in Maki's study also exercises and restricted their caloric intake.
    EGCG Weight Loss Without Dieting

    Two studies suggest EGCG may be effective in weight loss even when not accompanied by dieting. In a study led by Michael Bose, a researcher at Rutgers University, both obese and healthy weight rodents were fed ECGC. All the animals maintained high-fat diets. The overweight rodents lost weight and the healthy weight animals did not gain weight. A study by German researcher Michael Boschmann also demonstrated a link between weight loss and green tea consumption. In Boschmann's study, published in "Journal of the American College of Nutrition" in 2007, men who consumed 300mg of ECGC oxidized fat more quickly than men who consumed none.
  • neuroticalme
    neuroticalme Posts: 20 Member
    Methinks it's the caffeine. It'll stimulate your system a bit and make you feel less hungry...until you develop a tolerance. If you drink the actual tea, you'll save money and have the warm filling feeling of a good cup o' tea as well.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I say yes but you would be better off drinking hot green tea I think.

    I do that, as well. 6 cups/day on average. :)
  • I think you would get more out of just drinking the tea. Plus it probably isn't as expensive as those capsules.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I think you would get more out of just drinking the tea. Plus it probably isn't as expensive as those capsules.

    I drink about 6 cups/day, but at 30mg of EGCG/cup that's only 180mg. I might just start taking the full recommended dose of the capsules, keep up the tea drinking and net around 580mg/day. No harm, right? :)
  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    Just thought I'd chime in to say I'm taking the same things. Just enough pep, and not too much.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just thought I'd chime in to say I'm taking the same things. Just enough pep, and not too much.

    I was reading reviews and they seem either extremely negative or positive. Some people get violently ill on these. Thankfully, I feel great! Sounds true for you, as well.
  • It also has chromium picolinate which is a natural appetite suppressant. I take them too and love them.
  • I have never taken the Green Tea capsules, but I do drink a cup of green tea a day for the antioxidant effects. Haven't seen much in the way of weight loss.

    I was wondering if anyone has tried those Apple Cider Vinegar capsules they sell at pharmacies. They say on the bottle they are for weight loss, but i wonder if they actually work. Any ideas?
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    I hope I'm not too late with the replies here, but I take the recommended dose for quite some time and have had 1.5-2.5 pound per week loss in addition to limited diet and moderate exercising. So far, no side effects and hoping none will be in the future until I reach my goal weight.

    Just my two cents.
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