Ughhhhhh.... weight lost calculators

woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I am having such a problem with these calculators.

Why? Because of one thing.... my genetic disorder.

You see, this disorder causes me to be shorter than average.... by a spectacular degree.

I am 29 yrs old, and 4' 7" tall. I have been using mfp for the last month and have already lost 7 lbs. Not only that, but my body type is what could be considered the "hour glass" shapr with a slightly bigger lower half.

The calculators are saying that for my build, height, and age, I should weigh anywhere from 80 to 110 lbs.

*shakes head* I am sticking with my goal of getting to 115 lbs. This was my weight as a freshman in high school, 11 yrs ago. Hopefully I won't look like a freak.

Does anyone else have the same problems with these calculators?


  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    Yep, i am short too, and the calculators make my goal weight something i would have weighed at about 14 years of age which for me would be unattainable whilst living a regular life.

    my ultimate goald is the weight i was when i was confident to wear a bikini and confident naked.

    i am 5' 3"
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    i'm actually on the taller side for women with the hour-glass figure slightly larger on the bottom half, but the mid-healthy BMI range for me is supposed to be 140. i can't imagine ever being that little. i've calculated my body fat %age to find out my "fat weight' vs. "everything else weight" (stuff like muscle, organs, water, skin, bones, etc). and my "everything else weight is 136. if i lost no muscle or organs or anyhting like that, and lost enough fat to be at 140, i'd be terribly unhealthy. so I'm shooting for the very upper limit of "healthy BMI" at 159.
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