Aaaaagh! Help!

kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I am on a pre-wedding diet and I need to get to my target weight for dress fitting by May 14th . I need to lose another 13lbs. I have lost 22lbs. The last two weeks when I weighed myself I stayed the same. Last Friday and Saturday I had a couple of piggy days and ate 2500 calories over the number of calories it should take me to maintain. Since then I have been really good and ate 1000 calories a day so in theory I should have got back to what I was within 3 days of dieting and then continued to lose the other two days. However, when I weighed myself today I had put on 2 lbs! Now I feel like I'm lacking motivation and need some words of wisdom. I am also worried that when I get to my target and eat the number of calories I am supposed to to maintain tI will just put it all back on!

Anyone had a similar experience??



  • dwhitten07
    dwhitten07 Posts: 29 Member
    Did you keep your amount of exercise the same? If you are on a plato you need to bring up the intensity of your workouts. Also make sure you are not eating to little calories or your body may go into starvation mode and start hording the calories. Keep on pushing it may take a while but you'll break that plato!
  • Tiffany1111
    Tiffany1111 Posts: 17 Member
    I would take measurements instead of weighing yourself. Also whatever you are doing for exercise change it, so if you've been running get on the step master, also make sure you are keeping the intensity high so that you are burning maximal calories! Good Luck!
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    Thanks for your replies. To be honest I haven't been doing any exercise as I wanted to lose the weight first then tone up after. When I dieted and exercised last year I found it really difficult to lose the weight despite strictly sticking to 1200 cals a day and running 5 miles 5 times a week. maybe the fat had turned to muscle which weighs more. So it has kinda put me off exercising until I'm down to my target when I have been losing weight easily without it until now. I did do a couple of hours exercise 2 weeks ago but it didn't make any difference. I will try to persevere with the diet but it's difficult when you reach a plato! I want to start exercising in April but want to lose a few more pounds first.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    it's difficult when you reach a plato!

    Plato will be difficult to reach considering he died a long long time ago... :wink: :tongue:

    That aside...

    5 mile runs are unlikely to result in significant muscle gain to the point where it would be noticable on the scale.

    Don't wait til April to exercise because it takes about 4 weeks for results to show, they don't show overnight.
    2 couple of hours exercise two weeks ago are unlikely to make any difference. You need to be consistent. 45 mins x 4-5 days a week will easily see you to your goal. 3 cardio sessions, 2 weights sessions (as a minimum, one upper one lower) and you can do this easily.
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    Unless you're willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won't happen
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail.
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    Unless you're willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won't happen
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