Hello from NJ!

Hello all!
A friend recommended the MFP mobile app and it has totally changed everything for me. I was definitely going the "starvation" route and getting frustrated when I only lost 8lbs the first month. Granted, that is a healthy rate, but for someone my weight (300+) that was on the low side for all of the exercising I was doing (walking 6-7 miles a day, strength training 3x a week, swimming). I realized that I wasnt eating more than 1500 calories a day and my body was NOT feeling it. Now, with this program, I learned I shouldnt be eating less than 2020 a day. I upped my calories and watched the lbs drop. I'm down 5 since starting 2 weeks ago. :)

Now I want to keep up with the message boards and see what supportive info I can get from here.



  • im_not_that_creative
    im glad you aren't going the starvation route anymore, and that you realized the benefits of eating healthy. i hope you meet all of your goals and God bless.
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    Welcome! I'm from NJ too :smile:
    Glad you got some info and I hope it helps you jumpstart your journey!
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    its a marathon not a sprint - don't feel you have to push it so hard - I wish you success