A change for spring

dshale Posts: 265 Member
First, I am fat and out of shape. I spent my twenties neglecting my health. Now I'm in my thirties with two small boys that I can't keep up with. I have been doing some light exercising for just over a month now. I want to take this to a new level and figured that spring would be the perfect time to start. My goal is to start the day with the body weight workout found here: http://www.gymjunkies.com/home-workout-for-beginner/. My evenings I want to alternate jogging for 30 minutes (M,W,F) and maybe something like yoga on Wii fit (Tues,Th,Sat) to improve flexibility with Sunday being my evenings off. I hope by summer that I will be able to make it all the way through. I welcome any opinions and anyone that would like to join me.


  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i suggest the 30 day shred! it is only about 20 minutes long & fits into busy schedules & makes quick changes. :o) good luck!
  • dshale
    dshale Posts: 265 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll be looking for something indoors when the weather gets cold again.

    If anyone is doing a jogging routine do you have any suggestions on shoes?