Working out before work



  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I get up between 5-530 to workout every day, (unless I dont have to work and child doesnt have school). I find that if I dont get it done first thing in the morning, I wont do it later in the day because I will be too tired.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Does anyone workout twice a day? In morning and night?

    I sometimes workout twice a day. I'll do morning - early afternoon. Or morning - late afternoon/early evening. I try not to workout past 5:30/6PM, since it takes me so much time to wind down afterwards, that it's hard for me to sleep (so I can get up again in the morning!). :smile:
  • blondebiker
    blondebiker Posts: 19 Member
    My gym is right next to work! I've been waking up at 6am to exercise before work. I feel energized all day (I've given up my afternoon coffee) and the best part is you're done for the day! It was much easier to wimp out of exercising after a long day at work rather than waking up 30 minutes earlier and just getting it done before working all day!
  • kmparks24
    kmparks24 Posts: 198
    Does anyone workout twice a day? In morning and night?

    I have been known to run in the am with pup, then hit up the gym in the evenings for a spin class or light weights. That just leaves me with crazy energy!
  • I get up at 4:30 Mon, Wed, and Fri and go to an indoor pool and swim for an hour. Then back home to feed five horses, 4 dogs, and then get ready for work at 8:00. Love it, but it makes me hungry :) I also walk or walk/run every afternoon.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    4:45 my alarm goes off
    5:15 head to boot camp
    5:30 start bootcamp, yawn, complain, but I do it
    6:30 workout is done :bigsmile:
    6:45 back home, shower, breakfast
    7:30 head to work
    8-5 work, work, work,
    5:30 go home, relax, cook a nice well planned out dinner and have the rest of the night to yourself :)

    nuff said
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    At first I used to workout in the afternoons after work, and after a while I noticed I wasn't keeping up with my home as well as I should. So I tried to start doing mornings, which meant waking up at 4am. The first week or so it was a little tiring by the end of the day, but I honestly had so much more energy all day, since my metabolism was jump started. For me, am workouts are so much for effective. Yeah it sucks to wake up some days, and I might hate it for the first 5 or 10 min, but eventually I love it, and by the end of my work day, I can actually go home and be productive around my house. If you decide to try it, give it a week or two before you decide if its for you or not, enough time to get past the sleepiness and to really see if there are benefits. Good luck!
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
    I get up at 5 am everyday to do a workout video followed by stationary bike riding while watching morning news. (45-50 minutes total a day) Some days at lunch i take a brisk walk also, depending on whats going on in the office that i can get away for 25 minutes or so. I start work at 7:30 so my kids and i are out the door by 7 am every morning
  • wonderish
    wonderish Posts: 89 Member
    Ok. Awesome feed back. Im going to start on Monday I think !! :)
  • kimlausan
    kimlausan Posts: 39
    I'm planning on working out twice starting on Monday to jump start my weight lost.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    *raises hand* I do it! I have to be at work at 6am, so I get up at 3:58am (dont know why, but there's a difference in those 2 minutes)...warm up, walk 3 (13-15 minute) miles, cool down and get ready for work and I usually get finished in less than an hour. I am always "amped" when I get to work..Everyone else is usually still trying to wake up..I'm already moving..LOL..

    I like exercise in the one is I'm not distracted..I have MORE energy at work which is a positive thing...i guess..:) ...and if something is happening AFTER work, I dont feel guilty if I run out of time to exercise...cause let's face it..Life happens..but if nothing's going on after work, I will exercise again..that makes me feel even better..AND keeps me from eating snacks..
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Who all does it? Does it work for you????
    I would need to get up at 6am work out for an hour, and then get ready for work......... I dont mind getting up early, but I also dont know if i'll be tired afterwards, or energized???

    If you're like me, you'll be energized!!!! I also find that there are few time conflicts that time of the morning. When I used to work out in the evening, stuff would come up. That's not the case at 6 am.

    Try it once and see how you feel, to quote John Beluchi "it don't cost nothin'!"
  • zeman11
    zeman11 Posts: 7 Member
    I get up at 5am to workout - I shower and get ready for work at the gym to save time as well. I find that working out in the morning gives me more energy and puts me in a better mood! Plus, the gym is much less crowded in the morning than evenings and I rarely have to wait for a cardio machine or weights! I drink 1/2 a protein shake while I drive to the gym to give me a little bit of energy to get thru workouts! I drink the other 1/2 on my way to work and then eat my breakfast at my desk.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    only one way to find out. give it a go....

    i went for a quick run this morning and have worked out several mornings, when need be. i also work out during my lunch hour. as long as i get it in, i don't care when.

    sometimes i'm energized, sometimes i'm dog tired. lunch time though is really a great time for me.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I workout 4 mornings a week & 3 nights a week. Two of my days overlap & I end up going morning & night. I find I have more energy durnig the day on the days I go before work, this is also true for the nights that I go, I seem to have more energy at home to get things done before bedtime (kids dinner, baths, homework, etc). Basically, when I go to the gym, I leave feeling crazy energized. :happy:

    I also have a full-time 8-5 job, a husband & 3 kids. I used to say that I "just couldn't find time to workout" but that wasn't true - I just wasn't making time.
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    It was super hard at first getting up at 445, but now I love the energy!!!

    I just have to make sure that I eat enough during the day or I get really tired at work and that doesn't help anything!.

    *Oh! And its really hard to make excuses when your brain is still foggy!
  • wonderish
    wonderish Posts: 89 Member
    Do you eat before working out? If so, what??? Or do you just wait until afterwards?
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    Plus, working out in the morning gives me my 'social' time after work. I dont' have to worry about 30-60 mins of exercise, THEN showering and getting ready to go out. Basically, I'm off work, freshen up, and go!

    Yup. Add this to my list of positives.

    That is the bulk of the reason i exercise in the morning. I get up at 5am and hit the gym before my toddler wakes up. It is one less thing to do after work plus i would feel bad going at night since im already a working mom. It would take away from "boy time"
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    Plus, working out in the morning gives me my 'social' time after work. I dont' have to worry about 30-60 mins of exercise, THEN showering and getting ready to go out. Basically, I'm off work, freshen up, and go!

    Yup. Add this to my list of positives.

    That is the bulk of the reason i exercise in the morning. I get up at 5am and hit the gym before my toddler wakes up. It is one less thing to do after work plus i would feel bad going at night since im already a working mom. It would take away from "boy time"
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    Plus, working out in the morning gives me my 'social' time after work. I dont' have to worry about 30-60 mins of exercise, THEN showering and getting ready to go out. Basically, I'm off work, freshen up, and go!

    Yup. Add this to my list of positives.

    That is the bulk of the reason i exercise in the morning. I get up at 5am and hit the gym before my toddler wakes up. It is one less thing to do after work plus i would feel bad going at night since im already a working mom. It would take away from "boy time"
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