Just wanted to introduce myself!

MrsPMAL Posts: 1 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Bailie I have recently joined MyFitnessPal with my sister because we both want to lose weight and get in shape. Because we are so far from one another physically it has been nice to have her online for encouragement and motivation and I am greatful that MFP allows for that kind of interaction and support.

My goal is to lose 85 pounds (down to 125lbs) total though I know I won't lose that much before we proceed with IVF treatment in June. However, I plan to continue the healthy eating habits throughout my pregnancy (assuming we are successful) as well as continuing to excersise as much as my body can handle and or my doctor will allow.

I want to be healthy for me, for my husband and for the kids that we will someday have. I have gained so much weight since my DH and I have been together and STC (struggling to concieve). Infertility has been a huge challenge in my life and I have let it overcome me and take over not only my life but my body. I want to be a mom more than anything in the whole world but I want to be a healthy mom that can play with and enjoy her children and I want to be around for a long time.

I have a blog at http://faithandinfertility.blogspot.com it talks about my journey to motherhood and the struggles that have come with it. I will also be blogging a bit about my weightloss journey as well.

Thanks :)


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