TAMMY_76 Posts: 199
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
ugggg i am so discouraged today......i have been dieting and exercising since feb 27th and i am seeing no eating 6 times a day and i am usually under my daily goal and i burn lots a calories in a day I exercise hard everyday including cardio and weight training...i don't understand am i doing something wrong??


  • audbbgirl
    audbbgirl Posts: 83
    You are probably gaining muscle besides losing weight and that is why you are seeing no change right now. Don't give up!!
  • corrinebean
    corrinebean Posts: 4 Member
    don't get discouraged...I just posted a topic about the same thing, before I saw yours! My body is VERY stubborn. I will eat right, work out consistently, and not see a change on the scale for months sometimes. It's annoying -- but I've learned if I just keep with it, the weight WILL eventually come off.
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    It's only been a week! Don't give up! You will see progress if you continue to work hard!
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    Don't give up! I had two weeks where I barely lost anything and then I had a 1.5 pound loss this week. :)
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    It has only been 5 days!! It didn't take you only 5 days to gain the weight! Remember, to be successful at this it is a lifestyle and attitude change, not a quick fix. Keep doing what you are doing. If you don't see results, change it up. Research and learn about all different kinds of strategies because even once you do see progress, there will be times that you plateau. That doesn't mean you give up, it means you try something new! Hang in there and persevere!
  • rvice2
    rvice2 Posts: 132 Member
    It's only been 5 days! It was at least 2 weeks before I ever saw a change and then I actually gained a pound before I started losing 1-2 pounds consistently! It will start to drop - continue working hard!
  • Hi, I'm Rick,
    This is an issue that many people deal with. Especially in the beginning of a fitness program.
    The scale is a poor guage of your progress. Your weight can fluctuate for a number of reasons; hormones, how much salt and water you have consumed, what time of day you weigh, what you ate, when you did a bm...etc. Get the point?
    You see, muscle is 20% more dense than fat. So it is conceivable to lose fat and gain weight at the same time.
    That is why I encourage people to use another meathod for guaging progress. How your close fit, input from people who know you well and my favorite...a tape measure. Also, keep in mind that our bodies hold different levels of water depending on a number is factors so a degree of variation is to be expected. Just because the jeans that were loose yesterday, are a little tighter today probably just means that your holding more water.
    I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, please shoot me a message.
    Hugs n Health,
    Rick :-)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    It might take a few weeks! Keep it up! If you get discouraged and resort to old habits now, you will gain more! It takes time to see results =)
  • i've cut out potatoes, rice and bread...also pepsi and i have lost 3.5 lbs in 5 days. I never use to drink water and now i'm up to 5 cups a day.
  • Hi, I'm Rick,
    This is an issue that many people deal with. Especially in the beginning of a fitness program.
    The scale is a poor guage of your progress. Your weight can fluctuate for a number of reasons; hormones, how much salt and water you have consumed, what time of day you weigh, what you ate, when you did a bm...etc. Get the point?
    You see, muscle is 20% more dense than fat. So it is conceivable to lose fat and gain weight at the same time.
    That is why I encourage people to use another meathod for guaging progress. How your close fit, input from people who know you well and my favorite...a tape measure. Also, keep in mind that our bodies hold different levels of water depending on a number is factors so a degree of variation is to be expected. Just because the jeans that were loose yesterday, are a little tighter today probably just means that your holding more water.
    I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, please shoot me a message.
    Hugs n Health,
    Rick :-)

    I completely agree. I see so many of my friends posting how disappointed they are because they gained a pound or two or aren't losing fast enough to their liking. I just feel if I did that, I would just say eff it and quit. That's why I decided to go about my weight loss with a whole new outlook. The last time I weighed myself was on January 21st....the next time I will weigh myself is when I look in the mirror one day and and smile to myself and say....there she is...

    My new motto: it's all about the inches baby. It's all about the inches.
  • yep.....i bet you will see change on your tape measure....i have got to do that myself
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I've been at this a long time, and even I get discouraged sometimes. When days or weeks go by without a change, I start getting antsy...maybe I need to do this or that or stop doing this or up my calories or lower my calories or do a refeed....But once I step back and look at my overall progress, I am EXACTLY where I should be, within 1 pound, based on my cumulative deficit. Since Jan 4th, I've been graphing my deficit and weight and I should have lost 1 pound a week (9 pounds) and I've lost 8. Now, the first 10 days, I didn't lose anything at all. And for the last 10 days, I have bounced around the same dang number...until today.

    So it's working. Be patient and give your efforts a chance to pay off :):flowerforyou:
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    First let me say I agree with Rick..........

    Next, keep researching. I started out trying to find the quick solution. Then it was the perfect workout. P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire, 30 Day shred, Boxing Training. Then I hit some pills. None of this worked.

    Then I stumbled on something that questioned "are you doing the correct workout for your body?" Which led me to finding out what kind of body I'm working with (ecto, endo and mesomorph). Then that discovery let me to some awesome HIIT workouts that supposedly burn 9x's the fat.

    Ultimately I settled on The Primal Blueprint and Intermittent Fasting and since I started this I've been loosing a minimum of 2lbs a week. Not saying that this will work for you. Just sharing that this will need to be a lifestyle change and it's all about YOU and what works for YOU!!!

    If you have any questions, concerns or nasty remarks.......feel free to send me a message and I'll help as much as I can.

    Stay focused on the Objective and read my Signature.

    Take care.
  • First let me say I agree with Rick..........

    Next, keep researching. I started out trying to find the quick solution. Then it was the perfect workout. P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire, 30 Day shred, Boxing Training. Then I hit some pills. None of this worked.

    Then I stumbled on something that questioned "are you doing the correct workout for your body?" Which led me to finding out what kind of body I'm working with (ecto, endo and mesomorph). Then that discovery let me to some awesome HIIT workouts that supposedly burn 9x's the fat.

    Ultimately I settled on The Primal Blueprint and Intermittent Fasting and since I started this I've been loosing a minimum of 2lbs a week. Not saying that this will work for you. Just sharing that this will need to be a lifestyle change and it's all about YOU and what works for YOU!!!

    If you have any questions, concerns or nasty remarks.......feel free to send me a message and I'll help as much as I can.

    Stay focused on the Objective and read my Signature.

    Take care.

    Amen Cee :)
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    Some weeks you lose some you don't. I have stayed the same for 2 weeks and then just put on 2lbs cos of two bad days. I lost 24lbs before that so I can manage to stay motivated to stick at it. I often think if this had happened right at the start of my diet I may well have given up but whenever I have done that in the past I always regret it afterwards and think "if only I'd stuck to it, it would have come of eventually a week or two later". If you are eating less than your BMR says you burn off each day then the weight WILL come off eventually and you have to remember that or it is all too easy to just give in. Sometimes your body just stores the energy but you will eventually lose it. Sometimes it is better to weigh yourself every 2 / 3 weeks to be able to almost definitely see a change and in turn stay motivated.
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