
I was a member on here last year when I initially started my weight loss journey. I joined because a friend had suggested it to me and I loved it!! I lost 50 lbs and started to look better than I had in longer than I could remember. Once I had lost all of the weight I think somehow I thought I didn't need this site anymore, but I do!!

I am feeling very lost and not sure where to go from here. I have maintained my weight loss but have stopped exercising and feel as though I have more to accomplish. My biggest problem is motivation, I have NONE!! I'm not sure where it went but I want to find it again and really tone up and make my body the best it can be!

Most of my friends that I have have also been trying to lose weight and have been not as successful as I was..this has made then a little hostile towards me and quite un-supportive. :( I'm asking for everyone's help on where to go from here. I'm feeling lost and need some help finding my way.


  • missmmaynes
    missmmaynes Posts: 79 Member
    You can go ahead and add me as a friend. I think the more support you have, the better results you will get.
  • Cortx
    Cortx Posts: 103 Member
    some might say thats not nice anout ur friends, but i know how that goes, bc mine also get "jealous" and do the same. That is one of the reasons i do not talk to any of them anymore. The only motivation i have is my boyfriend, but he can eat what he wants when he wants and how he wants and not gain a pound! So the only other mitivation i have is a couple ppl on here, feel free to add me as a friend if you want.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    After I successfully lost my weight last year, I have been in maintenance mode myself. I find myself getting lax; definitely not as motivated as when I was losing weight. Exercise was always my weakest link and I have also really let it fall by the wayside. I wish I could say that I have something inspirational to offer you. All I can say is that I am taking it one day at a time. I try to log everyday, but due to some of my weekends, I am not as consistent about logging as I was when I was losing (I logged everyday). I just know that if I have a :"bad" day, I really try to focus on more healthy choices the next few days in particular. I do make myself go out for a walk, even when I don't feel like it on the weekends, but haven't mustered much beyond that. I do enjoy doing the 30 day shred dvd because it is only a 20 minutes commitment and I will try to make myself do that once a week as soon as I walk in the door from work. I do think that staying on MFP, logging as much as possible and staying connected with a group of like minded individuals is very important to my continued success at this. I know it isn't over just because the weight is gone as I don't want it to ever come back! Good luck to you on your journey.