chinese buffet

How do I get through this one??!!


  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    small portions.. that stuff has alot of sodium in it.
    drink water, water and more water too.

    Nothing fried, few noodles & rice. go for the chicken or shrimp and veggies that are not tossed in sauces or glazes.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    moo goo gai pan is probably your best bet :)
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I loves me some moo-goo.......
  • kioga86
    kioga86 Posts: 126 Member
    If you eat back your exercise calories, exercising before you go is a great way to help you survive! Having enough calories to comfortably eat at a meal like that helps a lot!

    Also, avoid things with lots of sauces! Sauces in Chinese buffets tend to be full of sugar and sodium, not to mention calories with little to no nutritional value.

    Stick with steamed brown rice and steamed vegetable dishes if you can. Meats should be in the lightest sauce possible (no sauce if you can do it!), and preferably light in nature anyway. Seafood is your best choice, though if you can find a chicken dish that's not dripping in sauce, go for that too.

    Most importantly, in my opinion at least, EAT SLOWLY. Your stomach needs time to send the signal to your brain that it is full. If you power through your first plate and go right into a second, you're going to eat more food than if you take your time and enjoy what you're eating.

    Lastly, drink lots of water. Before the meal, during the meal, and after the meal make sure you're getting in lots of water.

    Good luck!
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Start with soup, either won ton or sweet and sour, heavy on the broth. Try the shrimp either on the shell or on skewers NOT fried or in batter. There are lots of stir fried options that have lots of veggies, that with a small portion of white rice or plain rice noodles is actually great. Of course there should also be a salad bar, load up on veggies, skip the dressing.
    There are so many healthy choices. If you want dessert, there should be a variety of fruit to choose from.
    I always have "dessert", my hubby always ends with another bowl of soup (he is rail thin grrrr:grumble: ).

    Hope this was of some help, good luck!
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    Fu Yung! That's quite low. Just one plateful. Don't go back for more. Give yourself a fair portion of what looks leanest i.e. noodles, fu yung, chicken in blackbean sauce etc and then don't go back for more. Also use chopsticks! You'll eat slower and so you'll feel fuller by the time you finish! Enjoy what's on your plate and try not to feel that you have to try everything, after all you have probably tried it all before so you don't need to try it again just cos you're there. I know for me I always feel like I have to try everything and buffets are the most tempting thing but I always feel so much better when I have left feeling full not sick cos I have eaten way too much. I sometimes play a little game with myself and make it into a competition where I win by proving that I won't be tempted to overindulge and feel like it builds up my willpower by doing this. I once brought my Gran back a McDonalds on the bus not just because I knew she'd love it but also to prove to myself I could do it without nicking any of her chips or buy one for myself when I was there! Ha ha.