Wii Exercise - How accurate is the wii fit plus piggy?

Does anyone know if the wii fit plus exercise that you do is a true representation of the calories burned. in other words is wii piggy right - i did 22 minutes of exercise this evening including ten minutes of free step and was dripping with sweat and completely puffed out afterwards but not sure wii piggy was right when it said i had burned that many calories?


  • krise31
    krise31 Posts: 53 Member
    Wii piggy is usually right but remember the 22 minutes you did in total is not the exact number of minutes you obtained being active. If you keep clicking piggy he tells you your total time and actual time spent moving so that 22 could actually be 20 or 19 minutes. Does that make sense?
  • daffysbird
    yeh it does thanks - i only realised tonight that you can click thru the piggy to see the amount of calories burned. In the past i have been trying to add them up in my head after each exercise. lol. will have a proper look tomorrow thankyou