Ops, I did it again..

So, I did it again. I overate. Like crazy. Like I have done every weekend for the past.. six months! I'm so sick of it! And I was so proud of myself last weekend when I for once didn't fall for any temptations. Okay, I'm not saying that I can’t allow myself a piece of chocolate (or a huge bowl of popcorn) every now and then, but if I have just ONE bite there’s no stopping me. I even eat things I don’t like. For instance, a couple of weeks ago I ate a huge bunch of old, dried-out Christmas cookies and marzipan pig… LOL! Oh my god, what’s wrong with me? And I used to be so good at eating healthy (and I still do, just only on the week days, and then I go and totally ruin it on.. well, Friday, Saturday and Sunday!!). I try telling myself that I won’t feel better by eating all this crap, quite the opposite actually – I feel lousy. I even made an “in-case-of-emergency”-list of things to do if I felt tempted, but it doesn’t seem to work. So what do you do if you get the munchies and can’t control yourself? And what is your best tip on how to get rid of the quilt, and most of all – how do I stop myself from doing the same mistake weekend after weekend?

Something tells me I’m not the only one having this problem, and it might be the one question everybody wonders, but any advice is appreciated :smile:


  • MsPitt
    MsPitt Posts: 78
    What is it that makes it easy to stay on track during the week? Is it because you have a schedule? Something else? Maybe your weekends just need more structure..?
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    What activities are you doing when you start to over eat?
  • theidarisafa
    We all slip up every now and then.

    Best idea is out of sight out of mind.

    Or don't keep stuff like that in the house.

    And if you want something, work it into your calories.

    Are you working out a all? If you are, then you are allowed to eat back some of your work out calories. If you're not working out, maybe start so that you can eat a little more.

    Most things like cookies, chips, etc are simple carbs and will NOT make you feel full.

    Things with protein and fiber and complex carbs will usually keep you fuller longer. Look at what you're eating and see if there are any ways to improve the quality of the calories that you're eating so that you feel fuller longer.
  • ashleighk2010
    I did the SAME THING. I was't hungry, I wasn't craving, and I ate things I wasn't even fond of just because they were easy to grab... I was just EATING to EAT and I don't know why, and I felt like I couldn't stop myself. The only way I prevent it is by having nothing in the house. Absolutely no snack things. Sounds harsh but it was really hindering me. By now I've gotten really good at avoiding it/limiting myself even when it is around because I've had enough distance and time to get adjusted to life without it.

    Hope you get some good tips, because I know this is frustrating!!
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    You’re saying that this has been happening for six months now? Before I say anything further, I guess I should ask….are you looking for advice here? Or just people to commiserate and say they do it, too?