Being SIck and Exercising!?

Proudmumofboys Posts: 73
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been sick since well last week really.. I've had a cold, cough, and flu like symptoms all last wkend. I am feeling much better the past few days other then my ears feeling clogged, hurting, and this nasty cough/stuffy nose.. SO, I have not been up for going to the gym, and since I have been sick I am just wondering if it's better I wait until I feel completely 100% instead of pushing it when I still don't feel great.. Still super tired and stuff.. What do you think?


  • AnKaLi
    AnKaLi Posts: 8
    Go for a walk and get outside or do something like yoga at home, but I would stay away from sweating it up at the gym, you don't want to push yourself and make yourself get worse!
    Plus don't take your germs to the gym!!!!! I wish more people would stay home when they are sick!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Personally,I would stay home and take care of myself.Maybe you could do some ex at home that isn`t too strenuous.
    Hope you feel better soon.Lots of sickness out there this time of year.
  • Jessibear2854
    Jessibear2854 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Just got over bronchitis and an ear infection only to catch the mother of all head colds. I haven't exercised much because I am so exhausted that I can barely make it through the day just doing the minimum amount of tasks (go to school, take care of kid, go to bed when he does). I decided I wanted all my energy to go toward getting better and then - when I can breathe- I will exercise.

    Here's hoping we both get well soon!
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    My trainer (who is also a degreed exercise physiologist) believes that unless you're running a really high fever or feel really weak, some mild exercise is doable. I, too, am facing the same thing today, cold symptoms, slight sore throat and will probably do a walking tape or get on my treadmill for a bit - not to overdo, even about 35 minutes is better than nothing. You can always start by doing something that is not too strenuous and see how you feel. Regards.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    leave those non-sick people alone!!!

    I find a gentle walk outside may be all I can muster, but the outside air does wonders for my constitution. put it this way - you're sick, our body's giving you messages. pay attention.

    rest, and you will find you improve much faster
  • boognish1972
    boognish1972 Posts: 83 Member
    My Mom always told me that exercise is good for you if your illness is above the neck (i.e. head cold, runny nose, sore throat), but that you should rest if your illness is below the neck (i.e. chest congestion, upset stomach, body aches, hacking cough). She was a nurse her entire career, so it's the advice that I follow.
  • thanks everyone.. I didn't go to the gym, I to didn't want to get everyone else sick...

    Too cold here in PA and rainy for the walk outside! :(

    I am feeling a better today, ears still feel clogged, but overall not dizzy and feeling weak when stand, So I will probably go this evening either before or after dinner.

    I was running a temp, was so weak was in bed for 3 days, thank god my hubby was here to watch and care for the boys... I felt so bad. just thankfully my boys didn't get it like I did, my 2 yr old is coughing, but still up and playing like his normal self.
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