How Do You Come Back From A Binge?



  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I can't seem to stop eating food since Valentine's Day. It was as if my body is so happy to find food after being on a diet for so long. I had regained 7 pounds, and I am having trouble losing it again because of the eating. I didn't have this much trouble after Thanksgiving and Christmas. Although I know that tomorrow is a new day, I can't help feeling guilty and disappointed, yet the next day I repeat the same thing again.

    What you are eating has a lot to do with it to. Are you eating a lot of sugary foods like deserts and fruits? Try to limit them. These foods, along with high fat and high salty foods make you crave the same kinds of foods. There's a new hype on the news about high fructose corn syrup and its negative effect on body weight. What it does is that it blocks your body from recognizing the ability that it's full, so it triggers you to overeat. It's added in a lot of juices, condiments, sodas, and other foods to make their taste and texture appealing.

    Often times, the craving is not your fault. Try to learn about and figure out which foods work best for your body, and which works against you. Also, cooking may be your best way to avoid added ingredients in foods that are unhealthy for you.

    Believe me, I am having to re-learn these things again. I had lost 27 pounds last year (most of it came off quickly after I joined MFP; and times like the holidays had slowed it down). This is not my first fall out, so I know eventually my self-control will return.
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    First, stop being so hard on yourself! Everyone has an off day here or there. Just don't think you have to start over tomorrow or the next week, get yourself back on track now. You can do it!!!