Kangaroo Pouch aka my lower belly!!!

Briacha Posts: 160 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
OK folks...2 kids,good food and lots of years later........

have been doing really good with my calories and my eating so far and have lost almost 8 pounds, but I def see a difference in upper abs. BUT, it all seems to be dropping to my lower abs and it's nasty. Can you say muffin top (as my teenager calls it!!!)??? LOLOL

Now, what exercises work the lower abs??? I do yoga, Biggest Loser (wii) and I take a Zumba class...


  • 1111renee
    1111renee Posts: 108 Member
    I LOVE my Island Girl workouts with Kili..........you can find them on Amazon :) after all who doesn't love hula? it's super fun :)
  • avninjalette123
    avninjalette123 Posts: 129 Member
    If you raise your feet off the floor, making your legs at a 90 degree angle and do crunches it really kicks those lower abs in gear! =]
    You can also lay on your back, do the same thing with your legs and kind of just rock your butt up a little bit and back down, that works JUST your lower abs. If you know how to do a bicycle crunches as well. Hope this helps!
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    bump!! great post!
  • I sympathize! I call my pouch 'a c-section muffin top'. Everything got cut apart and had to heal back together, ugh. It's been 2 years and while my incision has healed wonderfully, the aftermath looks terrible. I too have seen a difference in my upper abs so far. It's taking me a while to build up my ab muscle endurance but have been starting to focus more on it lately.

  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    bump plus question: lower abdomen is my problem area as well. would pilates maybe help?
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    I think yoga has been helping my core, aka upper abs, but not the lower yet!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Running is supposed to be good for your belly. :happy:
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    Hula Hooping!! You're working your core in a great way. The best is by just doing flat out waist hooping you get a great combo workout. It's hard to explain but when I do it, I get killer cardio and toning. Just wish I knew what that was called. Once you get into hip hooping, it works those lower abs even more. Check out Hoopnotica or Hoopgirl for great vids. Heck even on YouTube there are some great beginner vids.

    LOL of course you knew I'd say that at this point. ;D
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Yes, you can work your abs to build muscle there. But, you do need to focus on burning fat. You can't choose where your body burns the fat, so you just focus on doing things that increase fat burn. Diet is really important! Also, make sure you are working in your target zone (heart rate) for fat burning. Keep up the cardio and strength training. Interval training is extremely effective.
  • jmabley
    jmabley Posts: 20
    I have been using an exercise ball with "Pilates on the Ball". I don't see any results yet but I do fill it!

    Best of Luck
  • Katymom22
    Katymom22 Posts: 121
    i would highly recomend jillian micheals 6 week 6 pack but i recomend cardio first so i do the jillian michels blast fat boost metabolism then 6 week 6 pack....if you are hard core you can try p90x the ab ripper in p90x is insane!
  • jmabley
    jmabley Posts: 20
    I have been using an exercise ball with "Pilates on the Ball". I don't see any results yet but I do fill it!

    God I gotta stop posting when I am tired, I ment to say "I don't see any results yet but I do FEEL it!".

    "Fill it" dear god I don't make sence sometimes.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    This is a trouble zone for me and this is what I'm starting tomorrow... I need a Bosu for home although we have a balance disc at the gym... I plan on doing this at home and my normal core stuff at the gym. Anyway... Dara Torres is a goddess and is in her 40s... if she recommends these exercises then I'm doing them! lol I'm actually starting this circuit tomorrow, taking measurements, and reporting back in a month with how it works for me. I'm in the process of kicking up my fitness another notch since I just entered maintenance.

  • This is a trouble zone for me and this is what I'm starting tomorrow... I need a Bosu for home although we have a balance disc at the gym... I plan on doing this at home and my normal core stuff at the gym. Anyway... Dara Torres is a goddess and is in her 40s... if she recommends these exercises then I'm doing them! lol I'm actually starting this circuit tomorrow, taking measurements, and reporting back in a month with how it works for me. I'm in the process of kicking up my fitness another notch since I just entered maintenance.


    WOW! That corkscrew & all angles roll-out look tough! I think I'd fall flat on my face. ;) Might have to give some of these a try though! Dara is amazing.
  • some things that i've heard that work really well are reverse crunches and bicycle crunches. They focus on that little area right below the abs and sort of help tone that in. The biggest thing is to try to mantain some tension in your tummy while your doing the crunches (but still breathe!!!!). I find it challenging, (I've only really just started) but i've heard that if you do them right you can get some great results.

    good luck!
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    I was doing the hooloa hooping on wii fit last night, I know not hard core, but damn, it made me tired!!! LOL

    I love zumba, so belly dancing or hula dancing seem fun...I am not great with the bicycly crunches or reverse crunches. I have a hard time tightening up and ot holding my breath at the same time!!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    i would highly recomend jillian micheals 6 week 6 pack but i recomend cardio first so i do the jillian michels blast fat boost metabolism then 6 week 6 pack....if you are hard core you can try p90x the ab ripper in p90x is insane!

    I'm doing the 6 week 6 pack dvd too, I have definately seen some improvement!!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Yes, you can work your abs to build muscle there. But, you do need to focus on burning fat. You can't choose where your body burns the fat, so you just focus on doing things that increase fat burn. Diet is really important! Also, make sure you are working in your target zone (heart rate) for fat burning. Keep up the cardio and strength training. Interval training is extremely effective.
    very well saID AND right on...
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hula Hooping!! You're working your core in a great way. The best is by just doing flat out waist hooping you get a great combo workout. It's hard to explain but when I do it, I get killer cardio and toning. Just wish I knew what that was called. Once you get into hip hooping, it works those lower abs even more. Check out Hoopnotica or Hoopgirl for great vids. Heck even on YouTube there are some great beginner vids.

    LOL of course you knew I'd say that at this point. ;D
    YES! That's an awesome idea! I've been meaning to get a weighted hoop since last June, but I don't want to pay shipping. :grumble: Thanks for the video suggestions. I'm going to check those out too!

    Also see SaFire on youtube. :happy:
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