Thoughts on slim fast or other shakes

wi_girl Posts: 10
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
Anyone have helpful information on meal replacement shakes?


  • all i can say about those meal replacement shakes is every single brand i've looked into is LOADED with sugar, so i've avoided them!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I used the powdered slim fast for a lil while just to get some extra calories on days where I was not veryhungry and they were fine.Then I bought the pre made shakes and they would make me sick.I could never follow their plan thats just crazy sounding to me. but they came in handy if i didnt have time for breakfast or wasnt very hungry
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i have lost all my weight on just healthy eating!, but i have hit a plataux the last few months so was DESPERATE and tried slim fast a few weeks back OMG i can tell you now that within 2 days i had totally NO energy to do anything so be warned if you want to exersice then dont touch!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    My opinion is that they're fine if you have one once in awhile because you honestly don't have time to sit down and eat and it's better than skipping meals and being starving later on... but they really aren't low calorie - so if you're drinking them AND eating (as lots of people tend to do) you're not helping yourself at all. I also don't think there is enough "substance" in them to consider them as regular meals on a regular basis- for me, they'd leave me feeling unsatisfied and wanting to eat more because in all reality, I hadn't eaten anything! For the ones that advertise themselves also as an appetite suppressant? Well - I've never met an appetite suppressant that actually helped me - because for me, appetite has absolutely nothing to do with wanting to eat.
  • wi_girl
    wi_girl Posts: 10
    Thanks for the info... I didn't think about the sugar I was just looking at them as a quick meal while I was on the road to work or busy for lunch time.
  • anamelina
    anamelina Posts: 13

    I guess there are pro's and con's, in many ways they take the hassle out of working out your calorie intake and suppliments some of the nutients and vitaims the body needs...however I think they also take the choice away from you and are bland and boring. you can't live on them forever and by makiing the right choices about food you eat and portion control educates you better than relying on food substitues to loose weight. I think there are some really great foods out there that are low fat, low calorie and tasty, so spend some time looking at what you can eat, rather than restricting yourself to a diet that you will eventually get really tired of!

    Hope that helps!
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Anyone have helpful information on meal replacement shakes?

    If your going to do a shake to replace a meal or snack stay away from the slim fast, atkins ect! I personally like a great protein replacment that I can add my own fruits and veggies or Shakeology through beachbody. I would never suggest or recommend anything that I did not love or get what I wanted from it :-)
  • darla499
    darla499 Posts: 402 Member
    I avoid those shakes like the plague!! Before I knew better I used to use them as a "quick fix" and lose some weight only to regain it and more a short while later. They are loaded with sugar!!!

    If you want a good shake, it's better to make your own protein shake that come in many sugar-free, great tasting, easy to mix powders. They're loaded with great protein and soooo much better for you than those store bought ones.

    I love Nature's Best Zero-Carb Proteins. They've got 50 grams of whey protein isolate per yummy serving.

    Good luck!
  • maureak
    maureak Posts: 107 Member
    I did Slim Fast for a while when it first came out. As expected, I lost weight, quite a bit, because I was not eating much at all. It was a boring and very restrictive diet and not anything I could stick with. As soon as I went off, all of the weight came back, and lots more.

    With a diet plan like that, it didn't teach me long-lasting, good eating habits, which is why this, and other meal replacement programs, don't work for me. I needed something that would help me to stick with a balanced, healthy diet.

    And, as other comments, it is loaded with sugar.

    Thumbs down!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I started off using Slim fast shakes and bars... Lasted about a month... Just got fed up of having the same thing every morning and lunch time! Then I realised I could have a better breakfast at less cals!!
    I still use the snack things though - I keep them in my bag and so if I'm out of the house and feel peckish mid morning or afternoon I can grab one... And this allows me to have some chocolate as their heavenly chocolate bars are totally chocolatey!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You'll have people say eat as clean and healthy as you can. And others use them. It's your choice. I've tried Slimfast in the past but my digestive system didn't like them (of course I have since learned it was my bad eating habits screwing with my insides).

    I use protein powders and protein bars to help me get enough. They're pretty low in sugar. I like Pure Protein Bars and Powders. But I don't know how they are on nutrition, only protein.

    You do what you have to do to get to where you want to be but don't rely on them as meals everyday. They're great for on the go.
  • 130livenlean
    130livenlean Posts: 5 Member
    Depending on your nutrient preference, will determine what shake you will want to get. I use protein shakes. Personal favorites are Bio-x, and Optimum Nutrtion to name two. My current fav is Bio-x choclolate peanut butter.Check out as they list many. :drinker:
  • strawberryromper
    strawberryromper Posts: 64 Member
    I don't use them as meal replacements, but as meal supplements. They add some calorie bulk to breakfasts of just fruit or lunches of just baked squash. I also enjoy the taste of SlimFast very much.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    My opinion is that they're fine if you have one once in awhile because you honestly don't have time to sit down and eat and it's better than skipping meals and being starving later on... but they really aren't low calorie - so if you're drinking them AND eating (as lots of people tend to do) you're not helping yourself at all. I also don't think there is enough "substance" in them to consider them as regular meals on a regular basis- for me, they'd leave me feeling unsatisfied and wanting to eat more because in all reality, I hadn't eaten anything! For the ones that advertise themselves also as an appetite suppressant? Well - I've never met an appetite suppressant that actually helped me - because for me, appetite has absolutely nothing to do with wanting to eat.

    Very interesting. Most people became overweight not because they were hungry all the time but because they turned to food for comfort and happiness. So I can see how appetite suppressants wouldn't work for most.
  • I would recommend goimg to a health food store the ones there dont have alot of sugar. I drink one for breakfast and a snack witj a fruit and if u are eating 6small meals a day u wont feel hungry. Hope this helps!
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    I'm not always in the mood to "eat" breakfast but knowing how important it is, I will occassionally drink Carnation's Instant Breakfast (the No Sugar Added variety). No bad on calories and does have protein, vitamins, etc.

    I don't think they're a bad thing occassionally...
  • rcrea
    rcrea Posts: 80
    Try the atkins shakes. They are high in fiber and protein and very low in sugar. I love them.
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    my only thought is i'm much too hungry to replace a meal with a shake!! :)
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    Someone told me once that if you let s slimfast shake sit for a few hours, when you went back it had creatures swimming in it. So completely ridiculous and most certainly untrue ( before I get sued) but somehow, I just can't get the idea of it out of my head.

    To be fair, a tiny bit of me still believes that if I don't jump at the end of an escalator I will get sucked under and mashed up in the workings. Thanks for that mum
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Honestly they are loaded with sugar. You have to know what to go and get hon. There are healthy shakes. I buy a Spiro- teen mix at Henry' they are good, or there are other whey shakes that you can drink. But the premade shakes just leave you feeling hungry. You need one with a lot of protein and low sugar to be satisfied. Just a suggestion.:bigsmile:
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