Calorie intake after a workout

Shay127 Posts: 16 Member
After tracking my workout, it says that I have earned 'x' amount of calories back due to the cardio I did that day (which I am sure you all have noticed). Should I be eating more after a lot of cardio?? Or should I still stick to my daily calorie goal. I feel like I should be losing more weight but I am not and I am wondering if this has anything to do with it. I have been eating more than my goal because the site tells me I should - HELP!

If any of you know, please respond it woulod be much appreciated =)


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Number one controversy around.
    I didnt when I lost weight, but its not set in stone that once you say i will, you have to :) Try it and see if you lose more, or if you feel better, and make your decision,
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    i try to stick to my goal as im a big guy and want to lose weight, dont see the point of doing exercise and eating back the calories, working for me. Just my opinion
  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    I'm having the same concern. I've been running a lot lately, and it doesn't seem like I'm losing any weight. I eat pretty clean, meaning mostly fruits and vegetables, so i doubt it my actually food. My only other guess would be not eating enough calories. If our body goes into a "starvation" mode then its really difficult to lose weight. Try searching "eating exercise calories." There is a lot of discussion about this...

    So to make my point...I would try starting to up your calories (but healthy calories like veggies and protein)
  • flutterqueen04
    You are suppose to make sure your net calories (calories eaten - calories burned thru exercise) is above the 1000-1200 range so you don't go into starvation mode. I personally eat at least half my exercise back every other/every 2 days because I am trying the whole zig zagging calories to trick my metabolism. I was kind of in a rut and this helped me. One of the reasons I hate to eat all my exercise calories back is just in case there is a discrepancy in the amount of calories I actually burned and consumed. I don't want to eat back 300 calories if the exercise was not accurate and I actually only burned 225. But this is JUST ME. :)
  • Shay127
    Shay127 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone!! All the feedback is really helping & i would appreciate more.. I am definitely going to do more research on it. My boyfriend recommended that on my workout days that I burn alot to eat 300-500 calories of "clean foods" so I am considering aadding a protein shake into my diet on work out days. I am also going to change up my workout routine to confuse my body - let's hope this all workd!!! Thanks again everyone =)