Exercise Plan for the week - tell me yours??



  • karenpinkchick
    WOW thats loads!!! Im nights tonight, monday n tuesday so will do nothing, bike ride wednesday, legs bums and tums then combat thursday, body attack (or pump depending on energy), spinning and zumba friday then nothing saturday as im nights again then combat and zumba thursday.... My auntie tells me ive an eating disorder as I do too much at the gym but clearly dont!!
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    My schedule is flexible, but I can assume that it will be something like this.

    Sunday: rest (was feeling restless so I played 4 hours of golf carrying clubs instead)
    Monday: Kettlebell circuit workout, Ab Ripper X - 75m
    Tuesday: Racquetball league - 120m
    Wednesday: Chest and Back, 5mi run, Ab Ripper X - 75m
    Thursday: Racquetball league - 120m
    Friday: Spin class, Ab Ripper X - 75m
    Saturday: 5mi run, swim laps - 60m
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Monday - climbing gym 2-3 hours
    Tuesday - 1 hour personal training session
    Wednesday - competitive volleyball league
    Thursday - 1hour personal training session
    Friday - supposed to be rest, but I can't sit still, so 30 minutes light cardio
    Saturday - minimum of 30 minutes hard cardio followed by 15 minutes strength
    Sunday - minimum of 30 minutes hard cardio followed by 15 minutes strength
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    I also kinda plan ahead. though the crossfit stuff is decided on the day, depends what's sore :p

    today: Strength: Deadlifts
    tuesday: cardio. rowing/bike/crossfit something
    wednesday: AM: Power cleans
    PM: strength: military press.
    thursday: rest :) snatch balance practice, handstand balance practice. basically just the bar. nothin strenuous.
    friday: AM: Crossfit something
    PM: Strength: Squats
    Saturday: Strength: Bench + O-lift practice (clean and jerk, snatch balance)
    Sunday. Complete rest.

    Pretty simliar every week.
  • SashaSpells
    So, did everyone do what they committed to do today?? I did =) Burned 581 calories wooooooo. :drinker:

    keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    Monday: Day 2/week 1 of Couch to 2K and 30 to 60 mins of circuit training (lower body and abs)
    Tuesday: Day 3/week 1 of Couch to 2K and 30 to 60 mins of circuit training (upper body and abs)
    Wednesday: Rest day
    Thursday: Day 4/week 1 of Couch to 2K and 30 to 60 mins of circuit training (upper body and abs)
    Friday: Day 5/week 1 of Couch to 2K and 30 to 60 mins of circuit training (lower body and abs)
    Saturday: Day 6/week 1 of Couch to 2K and 30 to 60 mins of circuit training (upper body and abs)
    Sunday: Day 7/week 1 of Couch to 2K and 30 to 60 mins of circuit training (lower body and abs)
  • welcominganewself
    Monday- 45 mins elliptical, 15 min weight training
    Tuesday- 30 mins step aerobics
    Wednesday- 30 mins elliptical, 15 mins treadmill, 15 mins weight training
    Thursday- Day 1 of 30 Day Shred, 30 mins step aerobics
    Friday- Day 2 of 30 Day Shred, 30 mins elliptical
    Saturday- REST DAY
  • superstah00
    superstah00 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm going to try and plan more often :)

    Mon-45 min zumba
    Tue-35 min cardio cabaret
    Wed-30-45 min outside walk pending weather
    Thu-35 min cardio cabaret
    Fri-45 min zumba
    Sun-30 min walk treadmill, 15 min elliptical

    I haven't exercised for more than 40 mins in the past 2 wks because of lack of time and not feeling well at all..so I gotta step it back up this week :)
  • mazb81
    mazb81 Posts: 20
    Loving all the plans folks!!! :)

    I Didnt make it to step tonight as hadn't booked and class was full so only 30 day shred for me! Plenty more exercise for the rest of week though!!! I'm also doing a 23 mile hike in June for charity so gonna try get out one night do some practice to walk my boots in!!!
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    I ended up doing Wednesday's workout tonight. I didn't want my legs to be too sore tomorrow. I'll do tonight's workout on Wednesday instead.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    HST...hypertrophy specific training - weight training

    i'm on week 3, 10 Rep Max. Whole body, every other day. 6 Workouts in two weeks.
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    Mon - Spin class 45min + 60min run
    Tues - Swimming 45min
    Wed - Run 50min
    Thurs - Basic training 45min + yoga 60min
    Fri - pilates 45min
    Sat - Run 60min
    Sunday rest day wooo
  • mazb81
    mazb81 Posts: 20
    How are people getting on with their plans for the week? I've had to juggle mines a little but still on track to complete everything as stated! Hoping for a good weight loss this week!!

    Have a good weekend everyone! Although the coverage of the tsunami really puts things into perspective - stay safe everyone! Thoughts are with those in japan!x
  • karenpinkchick
    How does the 30 day shred work? Mine arrived yesterday... I stuck to my plan so far this week but also got my kettlebell DVD in :) Had good attack then zumba class today and conditioning and combat thursday. Went on 11 mile bike ride wednesday. Back on nights tho now :(
  • SashaSpells
    Last week, I did everything exactly like I planned....except on Friday I only had enough time to run a 4k instead of a 10k. =) I'll run a 10k either today or tomorrow, depending on if I have to take my son to the gym with me (I won't run when he's there because I'm afraid he might run over and try and get on the treadmill with me and hurt himself....he hasn't ever left the kids area yet, but if he ever did, the treadmill scares me too much cuz it takes so long to stop the track.... so I only do the elliptical when I have to take him...which is only once or twice a week, if that.) But yea. I'm down to post next weeks workout plan, I think it really helped me last week. =) Loved to see everyone else's as well!!! Such motivated people on here, I LOVE it =)

    or 20 min elliptical & 25 min circuit training
    or 20 min elliptical & 25 min cuircuit training (depends on Sunday)

    20 min elliptical & 25 min circuit training

    40 min elliptical

    20 min run (~3k) & 25 minuit circuit training


    Keep up the good work everyone =):happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Mine is usually this:

    Mon, Weds, Thurs, Fri - 30 day shred, cycle to and from work
    Tues - 30 day shred, cycle to and from work, horse riding lesson for 1-1.5hrs
    Sat and Sun - 30 day shred. Maybe a cycle ride if the weather is nice

    I have 15 or so days left of 30 day shred and then I'll be moving onto Turbo Fire - whoop whoop!!!!
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    You must have read my mind.. usually I just wing it but earlier today thought that I should plan more to make sure I'm doing what I need to.

    Mon - Treadmill 50 min
    Tues - Spin Class 60 min
    Wed - Strength Training 45 min
    Thurs - Treadmill 50 min
    Fri - Treadmill 50 min
    Sat - Spin or Treadmill
    Sun - Zumba 60 min / Strength Training 45 min
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Sunday: 8 mile long run (done)
    Monday: P90X Chest and Back
    Tuesday: 1/2 hr Pylometrics X in the AM and 6 mile run in the afternoon
    Wednesday: P90X Arms and Shoulders
    Thursday: 5 mile run after work
    Friday: 1/2 hr Legs and Back
    Saturday: Rest day
  • KTNemo
    KTNemo Posts: 100
    I am back to running tomorrow because I have a 5K on Sunday. I haven't run in 3 weeks, but this is what my weekly schedule looks like anyway (minus the running):

    Monday - 8:30 am 2-3 mile jog and 6:30 pm 60-minutes Spin class
    Tuesday - Day off or optional 6:00 pm 60-minute Spin class
    Wednesday - 8:30 am 2-3 mile jog
    Thursday - 6:00 pm 60-minute Spin class
    Friday - 6:00 pm 60-minute Zumba class
    Saturday - 9:15 am 60-minute Spin class
    Sunday - Day off!!
  • mazb81
    mazb81 Posts: 20
    Hey everyone - well done to those of you who stuck to your plan! I didn't manage the shred everyday bit pretty much done everything else and lost 4lbs this week so there's def something in this exercise malarky!!! Lol

    This week is:-

    Sunday - 60 min body attack class
    Monday - Rest (was babysittin my 2 yr old niece)
    Tuesday - 60 min body step, 30 day shred
    Wednesday - 30 day shred, 30 mins exercise bike
    Thursday - 60 mins body step
    Friday - 30 day shred, 30 mins exercise bike
    Saturday - 6 mile walk
    Sunday - 60 mins body attack, 30 day shred

    Have a good week everyone :)