Another one of those 1200 calorie posts

I hate to post another thread about this topic, but I did do some searching on here and couldn't really get an idea if the allotted 1200/day for 2lbs/week loss that MFP has me on is helping me or hurting me. I guess I need to spell out my situation and see what you guys think. I'm 26 years old, 5'6" tall, 155lbs currently, and drive an 18-wheeler so most of my day is spent sitting behind the wheel, but I try to be active. I'm constantly cleaning the truck and polishing the wheels (thats quite a workout itself). I just started this diet and I want to do it in a helathy way. Before I started MFP I would say I was easily taking in 3500 calories/day, probably closer to 4,000. 1,200/day seems like a big jump, granted it hasnt been difficult to do, I actually have come in around 1000/day and when I submitted the diary entries a few minutes ago, I saw the disclaimer that eating fewer than 1200/day will put me into starvation mode. I'll also note that when I started driving 5 years ago I was 125 lbs. Your opinions are greatly appreciated!


  • DaninMiaFL
    DaninMiaFL Posts: 11 Member
    You didn't gain your weight overnight and you won't lose it overnight either. There is nothing wrong with using a step down approach. Next week eat 2500 calories, the fllowing 2000 calories, followed by 1500 calories and then 1200.

    As to sedentary lifestyle and weight loss, try to walk 30 - 40 minutes a day. This will give you 80% of the cardio benefit of running without the additional stress.

    Don't worry about jumping in and making an overnight drastic change. Commit to change and make it happen over time is just as good.

    And yes 1200 calories a day is doable, especially with the right food. I am 6'3, 206.5 lbs as of this morning and I am eating 1370 calories a day at this time.

    Good luck!

  • mandalu292
    mandalu292 Posts: 68 Member
    I wouldn't go below 1200... it's safer to lose a little bit slower and easier to keep it off. I myself try and stay between 1300-1500 most days and I'm losing weight. Especially if you were eating that much before.. you may need a few more calories starting out. Some days I am under 1200 and not hungry. I think that is fine once in awhile and then other days I feel like I need more. I think that's ok. Listen to your body! :)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Yep, quite the controversy. If you're eating below because you feel like you'll lose weight faster, I wouldn't do it. If you're satisfied, and not hungry at all, and your calories aren't coming form little debbies, I would say everyone is different. If you're working out, and eating 1000, well I really just wouldn't suggest it. 1000 is low. Period. But if you feel like death eating 1200, don't do it. It's what your body tells you.
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Your body operates best when fed properly, try to stay as close to 1200 as possible. It will help you burn calories.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    1200 calories for a man seems awfully low. I've heard 1500 should be the minimum number for males.
  • Cshore84
    Cshore84 Posts: 11
    Wow, that was fast. I just checked my Facebook and then returned to find 4 replies already. I am eating healthy calories, yogurts, cottage cheese, red meats, and staying away from anything white. I really dont excersize, but the first day that I started the diet, I was able to jog for an hour, but I made up for it in calories that day. The first few days I was doing 1,500/day then I realized my profile was set to only lose 1lb/week so i changed it and it put me down to 1,200. I think I'll do 1,500/week for the first week or two so my body doesnt go into shock, then lower it 1,200. I really appreciate all the advice guys and I'm so happy to see how active these forums are.