Finally re-committing to getting back in shape

splashwags Posts: 262 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone, Just found this site a week ago, and am thrilled. I have generally been eating healthy (i,e, organic, non-processed), but not seeing much progress, The last time I lost wieght I was very dligent about tracking what i was eating and doing. But I did it all in the excel. This site is making it much easier. Looking forward to learning more, and from others out here on the same journey.


  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! You'll love it here, everyone is so encouraging and helpful! Feel free to send a friend request if you'd like. Good luck on your journey!

    Tami :flowerforyou:
  • st27
    st27 Posts: 101
    Welcome... we have been waiting for you. So glad you found us. You will love it here. Keep at . You got this. tc.
  • jeninne
    jeninne Posts: 412 Member
    Welcome to the site. I have found this to be a great way to become disciplined and gain a lot of support and encouragement. Feel free to add me to your list- :smile:
  • i had to re-commit as well, lost 12 lbs and gained it all back after my husband got home! you're going to do great on here!
  • blueiz35
    blueiz35 Posts: 24
    I am re-commiting !! I have fallen off my wagon and have got to get back on. I had lost 115ibs and have now gained agout 20 ibs back. I seem to be obsessed with the scales I weigh 6 and 7 times a day, then get upset and eat because I havent lost any weight or have gained a couple of pounds through out the day! I have got to get my mind set and stay away from the junk food and the scales ! Please help I need all the encouragment, tips, advice, and prayers I can get ! Good Luck to everyone!!! :mad:
  • johnallen12
    johnallen12 Posts: 46 Member
    This is a great site and very user friendly. Welcome.
  • blueiz35
    blueiz35 Posts: 24
    Thank you!!
  • That's fantastic and welcome. I have a lot of good tools I am using for my success that I would be happy to share for you to extrapolate your own program from. Best of luck on your journey and I will root you on from your friends list.
  • I am re-commiting !! I have fallen off my wagon and have got to get back on. I had lost 115ibs and have now gained agout 20 ibs back. I seem to be obsessed with the scales I weigh 6 and 7 times a day, then get upset and eat because I havent lost any weight or have gained a couple of pounds through out the day! I have got to get my mind set and stay away from the junk food and the scales ! Please help I need all the encouragment, tips, advice, and prayers I can get ! Good Luck to everyone!!! :mad:

    The scale obsession is a tough one. You really need to try to weigh once a week and keep a solid focus on your diet. The body can fluctuate 3+ pounds up and down each day and that can frustrate even the most successful of us. Try to cut back as much as you can cause watching the scale that much is just gonna break your spirit, and you need that to persevere.
  • blueiz35
    blueiz35 Posts: 24
    Thank you so much! I will take any advice, tips, help and criticisim you have to offer! :happy:
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    blueiz35....115 pounds is so awesome! I wish I was at that point already. You really need to sit down and go back to how you felt before you lost all that weight, do you really want to feel like that again? All that hard work and time you put into losing all that weight, would it be worth it to go back? Of course not, and we tend to forget that and start eatng again and regaining our lost weight. You need to become focused, forget about the scale and make this a true lifestyle change as it should be. Weigh once a week only, have someone hide the scale like I did, although I found it but I'm not obssesive about weighing. You also need to remember that this is going to be a life long journey, relax and take it one day at a time eating healthier and exercising so that you feel good about you. I would hate to see you gain all that weight back you lost, especially when I am trying SO hard to get there myself and it is NOT easy, you know that! So take a trip down memory lane and really ask yourself, Is it worth it? Keep moving forward, you can do this!
  • blueiz35
    blueiz35 Posts: 24
    Thank You Very Much!!! You will not believe how much, that what you just said will help me make it through this!! Thanks your awesome!!! keep in touch ! we will all do this together!!!
  • blueiz35
    blueiz35 Posts: 24
    SW 348
    CW 257 -- 91 DOWN !!! :bigsmile: 127 TO GO!!! :frown:
    04/28/11 GOAL 240
    09/18/11 GOAL 199
    09/18/12 GOAL 130

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