Couch to 5K

dodier01 Posts: 84 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
So I`m excited to start the Couch to 5k training on Monday...

I was thinking of downloading an Iphone App to help me though it.. I was wondering if anyone has used on of the apps before?

I am currently debating on the C25K (Blufin Software) or the Couch to 5 k (Felt Tip).

Anyone have suggestions?



  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    I use the RunHelper one, and I like it a lot because you can use your own music within the program. Plus it let's you journal about each run.
  • MrsFoster18
    MrsFoster18 Posts: 125 Member
    Hey! I am on week 4 day 2 now of c25k and I use the Android free app and I love it! Good luck starting the program! I have never been a runner before but this program is doing wonders so far!! Feel free to add me if you want support!
  • AMBrody
    AMBrody Posts: 25
    I like the Blufin Software one. It got me running two 5k runs last year. Just be sure to do the warm-ups, cool downs, and stretch with each run. You don't want to tear any muscles. I like that you can make your own playlist from your music. It is also fun to post how you feel after each run.

    I also have Runkeeper Pro, which I use a lot. I would use C25k going one way and Runkeeper Pro back to see how far I went.

    Have fun!! You will soon be running to relieve stress.
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