
When working with insanity workout DVD, do you again more muscle then lose weight because, When I weigh in, I weight more then before. Is that normal?


  • blondie_0506
    When I first started it, I gained too. I started looking stuff up about it. And its something about your body is trying to save your muscles, so they are inflamed or somethin. It's normal. lol
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Your muscles may be sore and when they are sore, they will retain water and it will be reflected on the scale.
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    When I first started it, I gained too. I started looking stuff up about it. And its something about your body is trying to save your muscles, so they are inflamed or somethin. It's normal. lol

    I think I read the same thing, as I had the same problem. When you start a high intensity workout, your muscles will retain water and swell to protect the muscle fibers. And of course, you will also most likely gain muscle, which we all know is heavier than fat. I found the post somewhere here on MFP....a good' ole search on the forums can provide with great post results and some people have put some great information out there!
  • daphne_gets_fit
    daphne_gets_fit Posts: 73 Member
    I'm so glad I read this post, because I did not have a good day today, I have been under my calorie goal 3 out of 5 days this week, I've worked out 5 days (twice on 3 of those days) and drank plenty of water, but my muscles were kinda sore all week, and when I got on the scale this morning it said I GAINED 3 pounds, I have been down and frustrated all day, but this gives a little more motivation to keep going
  • blondie_0506
    I'm so glad I read this post, because I did not have a good day today, I have been under my calorie goal 3 out of 5 days this week, I've worked out 5 days (twice on 3 of those days) and drank plenty of water, but my muscles were kinda sore all week, and when I got on the scale this morning it said I GAINED 3 pounds, I have been down and frustrated all day, but this gives a little more motivation to keep going

    Oh yeah, don't give up girl!! I only kept the "weight" on for a day, then the next I lost 1 1/2 lbs :)