Married to an enabler...



  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    This one is simple. Get a hammer and some nails and nail that drawer shut. That makes it too much work for you to get to the candy, and easier to forget about it.
  • jaysp87
    jaysp87 Posts: 32
    Positively_Fit1210 - how exactly am I blaming anyone or kicking those trying to help??? You've made some assumptions that are off base. I was merely pointing out that my initial post was not a whining session & that I have been taking responsibility for what I do and eat. I was seeking affirmation of the progress I have been making. Yet some people chose to overlook the positive completely. Your right, I can choose to take it or leave it but I can also call it out. Just as you are doing to me.

    To all - the use of "downer" and "drama queens" wasn't intended to be hurtful. I do appreciate your thoughts & responses regardless of how I may or may not be perceived. I posted this topic to the motivation and support page. Thank you to those who did just that!

    I did not read a single post here that was not supportive to you. I just read posts that disagreed with the idea of him NOT having it in the house because you didn't think you could control yourself. He is being supportive of you, he is HIDING the food from you in HIS dresser drawer. Sorry if this offended you but I still say and feel it is downright unfair of you to tell him he can't have it in the house.

    All the posts that disagreed with you did say you can do it, we are all doing it and we are all facing the challenges. No one said this would be easy.

    No one was lecturing, everyone was offering support. If you are not willing to accept support that might challenge your way of thinking then I'm sorry. But I'm not sorry for offering that support.

    Great job on skipping over the chicken wings and chocolate. Keep it up, you can do it more. And if you fall (fall, not fail) one day there is always tomorrow.
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