Power 90 anyone?

I am starting my first day of power 90 today, and I was wondering if anyone else out there was also doing it! Anyone seeing results??


  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Power 90 is a great program. I'm on my second round and have lost over 60 pounds, pics are in my profile. There are several of us in the thread below who are doing it, loving it AND seeing results. Come on over :)

  • jennyrothb
    jennyrothb Posts: 12 Member
    Oh wow! You guys are awesome! Such great motivation!!
  • AndreSF
    AndreSF Posts: 84 Member
    One more vote for Power90. Nice program. A little dated, but still works great. Worked well for me in terms of getting into better shape and jumping into P90X right after.

    Good luck!
  • kyboy
    kyboy Posts: 6
    Add me to the list of Power90 fans!

    It helped me jumpstart my fitness progress, which had been in sedentary decay for years.
    Combine it with attention to nutrition, and do it regularly for excellent results.

    Finding a group of online friends going through the program was much better inspiration than I ever imagined it could be.With encouragement, I managed to "hang on" and get it done.......with the occasional setback as I got used to a better diet and regular exercise. Lost some weight (with only moderate attention to nutrition early on) and gained strength.

    The program (and time spent learning about fitness and nutrition while doing the program ) provided me with a great platform I believe will help me keep a healthier lifestyle for the future. P90 can work on a multiple levels, depending on what you put in to it. "Bring it" and you'll see results. It will also quickly show you things you've already mastered, and will point out areas that could use some work.

    Currently, I've moved to P90Masters..........inching forward! Good luck with it. I loved the program, as do family that are happy to see me stick with something!