need advice

7 weeks ago I broke my foot and was unable to workout. The past week I have been able to get back on the treamill and I have been doing so good. I have been working out everyday anywhere from 70- 75 min a day. My calories have also been under anywhere from 500- 700 a day. I gained about 7 lbs from when I broke my foot. 7 weeks ago, So my question is. Why have I not lost any weight at all this past week? I have been working out and eating good. What am I doing wrong? I am so upset about this. I have been doing mfp for over a year so I know how this program works. I know have at least 7 lbs to lose. Any advice would be great. Thanks


  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    Because you don't have control over what your body actually does with weight. What you do have control over is your diet and exercise and it sounds like you're right on track. Just keep controlling what you can and your bod will fall in place eventally.
  • ponygirl518
    Are you saying that you are only consuming between 500 and 700 calories a day? If so, that is not enough calories for even normal body functions per day, and your metabolism has probably gone into starvation mode. I have found that I do so much better if I have three small meals a day, with two small snacks inbetween. I really believe that one of the keys to steady weight loss is to also keep your blood sugars level, as it keeps your metabolism up and humming right along. This is also what they preach in P90X, and the Biggest Loser. Good Luck to you, it really is hard when you suffer an injury and can't perform your workouts as usual.
  • nina1968
    nina1968 Posts: 86 Member
    Sorry I wasn't clear about my calories. I have anywhere from 500-700 calories left over.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :smile: Just give your body a few days to adjust. Stay off of those scales a few days. You could jumpstart your metabolism by eating high on your limit one day and low on your limit another day. Maybe start with one day of all fresh fruits and veges. Hope this works....I had 2 surgeries last year and I know it can be a challenge. Hang in there and think about how much weight you would gain if you weren't watching it. You are a winner already! :flowerforyou: