Ladies - Monthly Question

So... How does your weight loss go during 'that time of the month'? Water weight gain? Anything funky? Just curious.


  • nuviag
    nuviag Posts: 131 Member
    Most of the time I am 3 lbs heavier those days. I can gain up to 5 lbs and then its gone when I am done.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    week before I'm due I generally gain a pound or two and then as soon as I start the gained weight disappears.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I haven't gained anything during my TOM.
  • amandat_79
    amandat_79 Posts: 221 Member
    I didn't lose much during that week but the next week I had a much bigger loss than usual, I'm attributing it to my TOM
  • UneJolieFemme
    UneJolieFemme Posts: 86 Member
    Weight gain + abdominal cramps when I run on the threadmill...
  • candacecollins
    I also gain weight during that time, it sticks with me till the end of the cycle and away it goes, i take a water pill once a day to help with the "blah" feeling i have when i do gain the water weight
  • nickyb632
    nickyb632 Posts: 98 Member
    I usually gain about 2lbs or stay the same for 2 wks (one wk before) but usually seen a drastic 3lb or so drop after.
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    During TOM last month, I didn't gain any but definitely stayed steady on the same weight. After TOM left, I was 2 lbs lighter so the water retention was definitely something I had to deal with. I also forced myself to work out and stick with my cal plan, so I think it all worked out.... :)
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Im in a real minority and nothing special happens this time. I guess that might change with age.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Funny you should ask, I'm there right now. I weighed myself yesterday and was up 1.4 lbs. since last weigh-in one week ago. I just couldn't stop eating yesterday and was WAY over my calories. I haven't exercised in the past 2 days due to cramps and general all-round feeling lousy. I am SO disappointed in myself. Feeling better today so I'm hoping to get a workout in. It just sucks!