What are your fitness related goals during Lent?

Lent is the 40-day season during which Christians prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Typically, during Lent, people either give up (sacrifice) something, or they take on a new discipline. While these commitments are between the person and God, it is sometimes a little helpful to name them aloud (or in writing) because then others can help you maintain your Lenten discipline.

Here are my Lenten goals:
1. Drink at least 90 ounces of water each day.
2. Exercise 5 out of 7 days for at least 30 minutes (ideally 1 hour)
3. Not eat in a restaurant that has a "drive-through" lane/option.
4. Bring my lunch to work 4 out of 5 days each week.

Blessings on your Lenten Journeys!


  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    :smile: Nice post. Good for all that are setting goals.
  • Mary830
    Mary830 Posts: 64
    I sort of make health/fitness goals during Lent, but I always feel like I am "cheating" because I am making goals that help me, rather than focus on God/others. So, this year my goal is to cook all of our meals at home during Lent, and to donate the money we typically budget for eating out each week.
  • marathonrev
    Mary830, I really like that goal! I think I will take the money I save from eating out and give it to a food pantry or hunger-related ministry in town. Thanks for that idea!

    I guess for me, the more I pay attention to the body God gave me, and the healthier I become, the more I can do to serve God's people. If we think of our bodies as a living temple for the indwelling Spirit of God, then I do think that caring for our health can be one way of honoring God.
  • eed_bookworm
    I sort of make health/fitness goals during Lent, but I always feel like I am "cheating" because I am making goals that help me, rather than focus on God/others.

    To put a different spin on your comment above: Your body is a temple, a gift from God. If you are able to keep it healthy by sticking to your fitness and nutrition goals, you are honoring God. You can witness to His strength and love by telling those who ask about your weight loss journey that you rely on God to help you resist temptations and redirecting the praise to God. I also ask God to bless my exercise time, a time when I am focusing on becoming healthier.

    I do love your idea of cooking at home and donating the money you would have spent eating out! God bless you this Lenten season!
  • Mary830
    Mary830 Posts: 64
    I hope I wasn't coming across as judgmental of people who make fitness goals. And I do agree with marathonrev and eed_bookworm-- our bodies are a gift, and taking care of them is a tribute to God.

    That said, I *personally* know that when I make fitness goals, I am making them for me, and not for anyone else. I have been struggling with my faith for years and I know that I do not take the time to focus on the more spiritual side of my life. So when I said I feel like I am cheating- it is not a judgment of anyone else, just a comment on where I am in my fitness and faith journey right now.
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm giving up my scale for Lent. I need to focus on my fitness related goals and stop focusing on an arbitrary number on a scale. This is the perfect opportunity for me to do this!

    Me too. I started a couple of days early though...Friday the 4th was my last weigh-in 'till Easter. I had to hide my scale in the closet though. I still had it in my bathroom and I almost stepped on it this morning out of habit.
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I hope I wasn't coming across as judgmental of people who make fitness goals. And I do agree with marathonrev and eed_bookworm-- our bodies are a gift, and taking care of them is a tribute to God.

    That said, I *personally* know that when I make fitness goals, I am making them for me, and not for anyone else. I have been struggling with my faith for years and I know that I do not take the time to focus on the more spiritual side of my life. So when I said I feel like I am cheating- it is not a judgment of anyone else, just a comment on where I am in my fitness and faith journey right now.

    I didn't think you came off as judgmental at all. And I think your idea about cooking at home and donating what you would have spent going out is a fantastic goal!

    edit: typo
  • tiggerlilly1001
    I have enjoying reading all your Lent goals.. I need to think about my Lent Goals also.