Lent - Giving up the Scales!!!!!



  • swissmardi
    swissmardi Posts: 57 Member
    Here we go... I have yet to measure myself. I will try and do that at some point soon and let you all know.

    Finnhead (Clare): SW: 155.2lbs GW: 151LBS
    swissmard (Mardi)i: SW: 199.1 lbs (90.5 k) GW: 191 lbs (87 k)
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 523 Member
    So just us three so far!! haha! nevermind at least we can egg each other on :-)

    So where are you both from? I am from the UK (possibly why I post at such werid times to you!!) I'm 26 and a Planning Officer so work for Local Government. Getting married in August 2012 and starting the weight loss thing early!

    Finnhead (Clare): SW: 155.2lbs GW: 151LBS
    swissmard (Mardi)i: SW: 199.1 lbs (90.5 k) GW: 191 lbs (87 k)
    awendybird: SW: 123lbs GW: 118lbs
  • awendybird
    awendybird Posts: 4 Member
    I'm from NY but live in Northern Virginia now and work in DC as an office manager. I applied to graduate school for my Masters in Social Work and hope to hear back soon on whether or not I got in. It is taking them longer than they said it would and I'm soo anxious now! My ultimate goal is to be a child/adolescent therapist.

    Today I noticed my sister hid the scale (like I told her to do). I hope I can rely on the way my body feels!
  • swissmardi
    swissmardi Posts: 57 Member
    I'm working right now in Russia and have a scale in my bath... But I'm happy to give it all up and trust right now. I was born in the USA (Colorado) but live in Zurich, Switzerland. I travel A LOT for my work. Get's a bit difficult to figure out food stuff sometimes.
  • swissmardi
    swissmardi Posts: 57 Member
    I'd like to talk with you all about my head obsession with my weight. I woke up feeling obese, after breakfast I felt svelte, then during rehearsal (I'm an opera singer) I realized my dress was smaller since last time (or I was bigger...) which made me feel obese again. This constant brain-baggering is so difficult for me... I also, after the rehearsal, was really hungry. It's so hard for me to know what to eat and how much as one doesn't know exactly how many calories is burnt during a dress rehearsal. I can't sing if I haven't "enough" and I also get way to hungry after is I didn't eat enough before... Rock and a hard place. Makes me want to go the secure route and get on those scales. Do either of you have similar experiences in your own world?
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 523 Member
    eugh I am so sorry I've not checked in over the weekend and i didnt see your post till this morning!! feel bad!!!

    i have had a bad weekend, i was hungover on saturday (which is naughty in iself) and i literally just ate constantly all day on saturday. i ate crisps, pizza, cans of coke, stuff i never normally eat even when i am not dieting!! it was bad all round, so i've started again, yesterday was better and today will be good. i'm going for a run later.

    hun, you may feel a little different in your dress because of water, or times of the month, or literally what you have eaten might have made you bloat a bit. I dont always feel like that because when i'm on a loss and on a roll, i just keep going and going and going. my problem is i hit a day like saturday and i just scrap the whole darned thing. i have no idea how much damage i've done because i cant weigh myself!! usually i would weigh in today and do... "ooops weight on!!!" and then i would be super good all week. but because i havent weighed in..... i dont have any impetus to do anything. I have an obsession with the numbers. and i never really know how i feel.

    so, maybe you are in a better position. you take huge notice of how your body feels and how you feel in clothes. use that observation positively and do something about it. and the times when you feel svelte and good, hold on to them and remember how much that feeling will be intensified the further into this journey you go.

    in the meantime.... i will start listening to my body ad tuning in. and recognising when my body wants something and whe it doesn't. and maybe!! i can give up my hed obsession with the numbers. xx
  • swissmardi
    swissmardi Posts: 57 Member
    Hey! Now I'm sorry that I haven't checked in. I've been working in a different city and they want 60 a week for internet... So I've just been checking my food in on my cell, but it doesn't let me get your posts....

    Anyway, how are you both doing? I'm ok. I know I've lost as my clothes are lose. I keep hoping it's not too much, which sounds weird, I'm sure to you both... Because I am a singer, I have to watch out not to lose too quickly or I can't produce what I need to. My premier is on next Friday, then I'm off traveling without being able to cook... And it's Italy... Well, let's see what happens. Thank God I can try and figure out calories...
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