Try, Try Again!

Hey Guys!
I was invited to this site via a new friend :smile:
I am ready to take on the challenge of ridding my self of the extra baggage I
carry, both emotional and physical. There have been a lot of new changes taking place in
my life right now, including cloing a business, and starting a new career! I am going back to school this summer
to start my journey as an RN. With all these life chagnes I really feel the need to invest more in my health.
About 5 years ago I lost 50lbs by cutting back on bad foods and running. It was aweome! I was only about 15 lbs from my goal weight and I won 1st place in my age group in a 5K, it really was AWESOME! An injury forced me to slow down and then a surgery forced me to quit, directly after that I opened my own business and have been building up those lbs ever since! :noway:
I have tried a few times to lose the weight again, but have become discouraged. It's frustrating knowing that I was right there, so close to what I wanted and then just throwing it all away! :sad:
But through all my ups and downs I have discovered new things about my self, one of them being that I need a goal. I can't just say oh I'm going to lose a bunch of weight!", I need something to look forward to. Not a wedding or a hot dress or an even hotter bikini, I need somethign fun and requires strength and stamina! And I do love a good competition :bigsmile:
So I am going to be in and all women 5K called the Dirty Girl!!!! I am so freakin' EXCITED!!! It looks AWESOME!!! Not only is there running, but theres fire and mud and slipping and sliding!!! HEHEHEHE!!!! SO FUN!!! So that one is in August after that there's another one called the Warrior Dash! I mean the name just says it all! I'm going really going to win, I'm going to say I kicked some hiney and had fun and looked good doing it :bigsmile:
So with that said I'm looking forward to meeting you all and encouraging each other :happy:


  • aecryan
    aecryan Posts: 89
    Welcome! i am a runner as well. i am sorry to here about the previous injury. glad to see you are up and running again.
  • marniebigelow
    Thanks so much! :happy: