Gym guilt

Ever go to the gym, work out for hours..and go home feeling like it wasn't enough? Like you could've done more? I'm too big to have an exercise addiction O.O know what i'm talking about? how do you get over it?


  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Losing weight is about 80% eating, 20% exercise. There is no need to feel guilty. Over exercise also makes you easy to get injured.
    Google HIIT , brisk walk until you run out of breath then walk slow to recovery then go at it again, It will help burn more calorie
    after the work out.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    If you're like me, that little voice inside you that says "you're lazy. You could do more. You didn't try hard enough or stay long enough." is the same little voice that tells you "go ahead and binge. You're no good anyway, so you might as well get bigger/feed your face."

    Am I right? It's really your self-hatred talking, the part of you that feels that nothing you do is good enough. Honey, I've been there. Still am there sometimes. I don't have a perfect solution, but here are things that help me.

    1. reach out for support just like you did today. Tell someone you feel inadequate and let them give you a gentle reality check.
    2. Count your hours and calories. This way you'll have an objective tally of what you're doing and the progress you're making. You can use it to silence the voice of failure in your head and you can use it to know when it is time to push yourself harder.
    3. find an affirmation that you can genuinely believe. I know, affirmations sound cheesy, but they work. Try something like "I am precious and beautiful." My own favorite affirmation is "God loves me." It's simple, but it works.

    Keep going! You can do this.