Quitting smoking and weight gain.



  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    When I used to smoke and was trying to quit, I found that strenuous activity like jogging took the edge off.
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    I quit smoking, changed my diet and started working out, all on the same day. 1 week ago TODAY. I have good days and bad but for the most part it's been okay. Only 1 day out of the 7 was really bad. Yesterday. Seemed like no matter what I did or eat, I just couldn't get full. I went over my calories by about 200. Today I don't have that problem but I feel horrible. Quitting smoking has been much harder then I thought it would be. I wish you luck!!
  • dazambrano
    Smoking is definitely a meal supressant. I used to be able to go until 3 PM just on water and cigs. i"ve started my quit as of the second the date changed to March 6th so I'm coming up on my one day in a few min. I'm under my calories still and working out with the insanity workout as well as throwing in some runs (week 3 starting tomorrow). Just be more conscious of whether or not you're food intake is different and like it was mentioned before, a replacement will definitely come in handy. I used to eat, smoke, and eat an apple to get rid of the bad breath but after quitting i skip to the apple after lunch. Have a plan and if you've made so much progress, maybe I'd be best to wait until your prepared for sure to quit your smoking. Hang in there and keep it up!