Looking to friend some folks in my same shoes!

jsmjboertlein Posts: 267
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I love all the friends I have on here, but I need some support on my level. I have a congenital heart condition, had a mysterious heart attack at age 27 and 125 pounds, and COPD due to a chest wall defect. I also have seizures and migraines most likey as a result of poor circulation in the noggin from my heart and lungs being crappy. My blood pressure is picture perfect and so are both my cholesterols. I'm not over weight but feel better a tad lighter than I am now. I cannot work out per doctors orders. Both my Cardiologist and my Pulmonologist don't want me exerting myself. I've always been super skinny until my heart meds. Now I am continuously fighting with my weight. It's hard to lose weight when I'm not allowed to do much. They allow me to do slow paced walking but only when it's not cold out. I need a treadmill but don't have one. When I see everyone doing these hard core workouts and burning all these calories it's kinda discouraging for me when all I can count is an occasional walk and housework! I'm a 34 y/0 SAHM of 2. I work at home, home school, volunteer 50 hrs a month at church, doing some schooling of my own, and am single during the week. That in itself is killing me slowly but so worth it. Anyone else can relate? I'd love to hear it! I'm 5'8" and currently 136 working toward 125 but kinda stuck.


  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    ask your doctors first but can you sit in a chair with 2 lb dumb bells and do arm exercises. it's just strength training so you don't get all of the cardio. also ask if you can wear weights on your ankles when doing house work as long as you are going at a very slow pace plus maybe you can wear them when you walk. If you have a mall that is close to your home, maybe you can go there to walk when the weather is not so good. but please ask your doctors before you try any of this. I will put you in my prayers and my God bless you and keep you and your family safe.

    Vicky jo.
  • thearrowoodzoo
    thearrowoodzoo Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I can only relate with you in the homeschooling dept, I just started myfitnesspal last week, I am looking very forward to all the help I see on here! I love the ease of logging food for my day. I had no idea that I was always under calories unless I ate out that day! LOL, so I think just logging what I am eatting is going to help me lots!!
    Also we have a local paper that is only secondhand items, maybe you could search and try to find a treadmil being donated!!

    I will be praying for you, I dont understand alot of your heart issue, never knew anyone that way. I am sorry that you are having trouble. Pray and I am sure God will help!! XOXO

    You are truly wonderful for doing all that volunteer work at your church! I need to try so much harder in that area!!

    Nice to e-meet you!!
  • I also have a heart condition (atrial fib and sinus tachycardia) and it's hard to lose weight because 1) the meds cause weight gain and 2) you can't get your heart rate to max because you're on meds to keep your heart rate down -- at least that's my case.

    I'm a Beachbody coach and not telling you this to sell anything but BB offers workout videos that are designed for people with major health conditions or limitations. It's called Total Body Solution and it's 15 min long. I don't know a lot about it but only that Beachbody puts their workout videos in categories and this is one of them. Holler if you want more info.

    Wish you success and maybe the docs can provide treatment for you so you can feel more like YOU again. I'll be praying for ya! Feel free to look me up on Facebook-- I'm under Cathy Avriett Price. I have heart problems and had other major illnesses that put a halt to my fitness goals, so I can totally relate. Beachbody products saved me...gave me my life back and that's why I became a coach to help others and pay it forward :)

  • Thanks guys for your ideas. I do have some weights I can wear. I don;t think they'd hurt any. I don'r mall walk because I'm a recovering shopaholic. LOL I avoid that place like the plague! I like the arm excercises for sure. At least it's something. I can't even go up and down the steps at my house. I hate it. i'm too young for this but I've always been too young for it. I've had these struggles since I was a child.
  • You are me! LOL. Thanks for responding!
    I also have a heart condition (atrial fib and sinus tachycardia) and it's hard to lose weight because 1) the meds cause weight gain and 2) you can't get your heart rate to max because you're on meds to keep your heart rate down -- at least that's my case.

    I'm a Beachbody coach and not telling you this to sell anything but BB offers workout videos that are designed for people with major health conditions or limitations. It's called Total Body Solution and it's 15 min long. I don't know a lot about it but only that Beachbody puts their workout videos in categories and this is one of them. Holler if you want more info.

    Wish you success and maybe the docs can provide treatment for you so you can feel more like YOU again. I'll be praying for ya! Feel free to look me up on Facebook-- I'm under Cathy Avriett Price. I have heart problems and had other major illnesses that put a halt to my fitness goals, so I can totally relate. Beachbody products saved me...gave me my life back and that's why I became a coach to help others and pay it forward :)

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