Okay- maybe a dumb question...



  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i use foods that i can eat a lot of and are low in calories, like a big bowl of raw veggies with vinegar is under 100 calories. you can have a whole bag of light popcorn for 200something calories, or soy crips (my favorite is bbq flavor) that u can have 25 of for 100something calories. mixing light yogurt with some berries can be a low calorie snack that u can make last a while especially if you use a really tiny spoon :)

    eating an egg every morning with your breakfast keeps you more satisfied throughout the day. if i skip my egg at breakfast, i find myself getting really hungry before lunchtime, so it definitely works for me.

    adding a tablespoon of chocolate protein powder (60 calories) to my coffee fixes those between meal hungers and holds me over for a few hours.

    sometimes when i really feel like a bottomless pit, i'll have a vegan burger pattie (100 calories) and that usually helps cuz of all the protein.

    you can check out my logs if you like, i'm constantly eating, but i manage to stay between 1200 and 1500 every day. i'm not saying you need to do what i'm doing, just that this is what works for me. experiment with different foods and see what works for you :) GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I've found most of my hunger issues relate to boredom. For some reason, if I'm bored I get hungry faster.

    LIke others have said. Eat lean proteins, and High fiber foods. They will give you more filling calories for your buck. Drinking water before you eat may help too. Everyone is different. If 3 400 to 500 calorie meals make you feel full better do that. For many though, it helps to do 5 or 6 small meals instead.
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    Short answer....protien and fiber! I don't know if it'll work for you, but here is an example of what keeps me full on a typical day :)

    Example for breakie:
    Toast with peanut butter or oatmeal

    Snack: rice cakes and apple and water

    Huge salad, lots of greens and veggis and some chicken breast with water

    Snack: cucumber slices or a banana with water. Sometimes a fiber bar will be enough to tie me over.

    Dinner: Meat, lots of broccoli, brown rice and some water....or a healthy, yummy stirfry!!!

    I don't usually need an evening snack, I have a cup of tea :)
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    What are your techniques for eating less? I feel like I am always hungry. Every time I try doing 5-6 meals per day, I am still starving after the ~200 calories per sitting and am counting down the minutes to the next meal. How long does it take for the body to get used to that? In the meantime I've gone back to 3 meals per day with one snack.

    I've worked on gradually increasing my water intake and eating foods with a higher water content to try to fill me up. Any other ideas?

    I found the 5-6 meals per day didn't work for me at all I was never satisfied and constantly thinking about when I got to eat next.

    I found If had a substantial meal (300-400 cal what ever was left of my 1290 cal. I used for snacks) I felt satisfied & had some fuel to motor on for a while.

    I also found cutting back on sugar really really helpful. Sugar & artifical sweeteners increase your appettite by leaps and gobs. I find it hard to stay in my calories if I've had a too much sugar or a diet coke. Watch out for sugar in "real" foods. It's amazing how much sugar manufacturer pack into food. It's one of the things that I track coming from a family where the 4 generations preceding me have had type 2 diabetes.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I started eating Better Oats oatmeal with some granola (about 2 tbsp) mixed in after I microwave it. The oatmeal is 170 calories max and the oatmeal (I use Wild Harvest) only adds about 20 or so calories. I also drink two cups of water on my 25 minute drive to work and then eat my oatmeal/granola at work. I usually don't get hungry until 15 minutes before lunch. Then I eat a sandwhich almost everyday for lunch. I don't eat 5-6 meals in a day, I eat three with 2 snacks if I need them. But, I do drink at least 6 cups of water a day. The water in the morning helps me feel thirsty throughout the day so I drink more.