17 mini-goals ... how many do you have?

I have a few "deadline" goals in my signature, but embedded into the mini goals are a total of 17 different weights between my starting MFP weight (283) and my end goal (195). My first one is at 262 (21 pounds on MFP), but then they range from 2 to 10 pounds apart.

To me it's a cool way of "unpeeling" almost 20 years of unhealthiness.

I remind myself of this when I'm running, and that it's OK that my 270-pound frame is still struggling to keep my mile pace in the 11:00 range. There's a lot of apathy and unhealthiness layered on top of where I am now.

So how many mini-goals do you have and how have you come up with them?


  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    got 1 left...i didnt think of goals until i joined mfp and i set them up as i got closer...
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I just counted and I have 28 (and may still add more). I broke mine down into 10% goals, and within those have mini goals of losing 5ish pounds or weights that have been significant to me over the years (under 200, pre-pg weight, under 170, just "overweight", etc.) My really big goals are to get under 200, to get under 170 (which is where i started regaining weight), to just be overweight, and to be at a healthy BMI. *So* close to the first one!

    They are all listed on my profile, though they look a little confusing right now because I was trying to clear up space on the ones I've already met.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I've thought of doing that many goals, but that's a really good idea. I've only got about 20 pounds to lose, and then I'll see how much more I should lose from there. So I've set mine up by 5 pound increments. Maybe I should do some like "If I eat 3 servings of veggies a day for however long, this can be my reward" or something like that, anyway.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I have 13....
    Goal #1 was to be down to 350 by my hubby's b-day....I beat that one by 5 pounds!
    Goal #2 was to be down to 345 pounds by 3/23 (the end of a 15# challenge I am in....hit that one on 3/1 (my hubby's b-day).
    Goal #3 to be down to 325 by 4/24/11 Easter
    Goal #4 to be down to 320 by 4/30/11 for my graduation (AAS in Business)
    Goal #5 to be down to 300 by 5/28/11 my daughter's 16th b-day and the lightest I will have weighed since she was born.
    Goal #6 to be down to 298 by 6/2/11 my lowest weight since high school graduation in 1989
    Goal #7 to be down to 275 by 8/16/11 my grandmother's 82nd b-day
    Goal #8 to be down to 250 by 10/21/11 my 40th b-day - the weight I was on my 16th b-day when I got my 1st drivers license
    Goal #9 to be down to 225 by 12/25/11
    Goal #10 to be down to 200 by 2/14/12 - I do not remember the last time I weighed 200
    Goal #11 to be down to 190 by 3/1/12 my hubby's b-day
    Goal #12 to be down to 175 by 5/28/12 my daughter's 17th b-day
    Goal #13 to be down to 150 by 8/16/12 my grandmother's 83rd b-day
    Final Goal to weigh 135 on my 41st b-day and then I'm going skydiving!!
  • naebear99
    naebear99 Posts: 73
    I have some set up for my 7-week challenge - weekly goals and an overall goal to lose 14 lb. In my head, I have several milestones that, when I reach them, I can say, for instance, "I haven't weighed this little since I got out of college the second time."

    For the most part though, this has been an experiment in controlled chaos. I started by accident, and figured as long as I was wet, I might as well go for a swim. So now I'm just trying to push the limits of my body; each time I do something more than I've been able to do before, it defines a new goal - to exceed my prior success, as "I just did 20 minutes on the elliptical. Can I do 22 next time? "
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    Enjoying seeing these from others.

    Here are mine, by the way:

    (the all-caps ones are the deadline goals):

    262 - benchmark for 262 to 26.2 (taking pictures for whenever I run my first marathon)
    261 - lightest weight I've ever been as a runner
    258 - 25 pounds lost since joining MFP.com
    255 - BY 5/7/11 FOR MY FIRST 10K
    253 - 50 pounds lost since my high watermark (August 2010)
    249 - lowest on Weight Watchers (2007-2008) ... also my lowest weight since married (we just had our 10th anniversary), this is also halfway from my high water-mark to my 195 goal
    239 - halfway through my 88-pound goal on MFP.com
    238 - lowest weight on a program I did called "Weigh Down" in 1999
    233 - 50 pounds lost since joining MFP.com
    229 - BY 8/31/11 (FIRST DAY OF 2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR)
    225 - my weight when I started college (1996)
    216 - my weight when I returned from a foreign exchange to Brazil (1995), where I lost 39 pounds. That also makes it my lowest weight since high school, and probably since about the end of the summer of 1992 when I worked all summer on the docks of a lake
    211 - BY 11/23/11 (JUST BEFORE 2011 HOLIDAY SEASON)
    208 - 75 pounds since joining MFP.com
    203 - 100 pounds lost since my high watermark in August 2010
    195 - FINAL GOAL (aiming to do this by 2/11/12)
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    I really enjoyed reading everyones posts. I would love to set up some new goals of my own. I only set up 3 and I have completed them. Now I need some new material. :)
  • bonnymom
    bonnymom Posts: 107 Member
    This is really great for everyone to share their goals! I have some deadline goals (as I meet or don't meet goals, they may readjust to keep realistic!) and I have non-deadline goals. There are a few of my non-deadline goals that I will meet 2 at a time because of how close they are, but they are all weightloss markers that I will be excited about!!

    There are alot, sorry!

    2011 Deadline Goals:
    255 by 1/31 – ACHIEVED 1/22
    250 by Valentine’s Day – ACHIEVED 2/20
    240 by 10th Anniversary, 3/30
    235 by 29th Birthday, 4/14
    225 by Memorial Day, 5/30
    215 by 4th of July
    200 by DD 5th Birthday, 8/30
    195 by DS 10th Birthday, 10/2
    185 by Thanksgiving
    180 by Christmas/New Year’s
    175 by 2012 Valentine’s
    170 by 11th Anniversary, 3/30/12
    165 by 30th Birthday, 4/14/2012
    160 by 2012 Memorial Day, 5/30
    155 by 2012 4th of July
    145 by DD 6th Birthday, 8/30
    140 by DS 11th Birthday, 10/2

    GOALS without Deadlines:
    -260lbs (pre-pregnancy weight in 2006)
    ACHIEVED: 9/22/08
    ACHIEVED AGAIN: 5/31/09

    -257.4lbs (10% Loss from Highest)
    ACHIEVED: 6/7/09
    ACHIEVED AGAIN: 6/15/10
    ACHIEVED FOREVER!: 1/22/11 (254.5)

    -249.1lbs (Lowest 2010 weight)
    ACHIEVED FOREVER!: 3/5/11 (248.9)

    -245lbs (wedding weight in 2001)
    ACHIEVED: 8/2/09

    -240lbs (pre-pregnancy weight in 2001)
    ACHIEVED: 8/22/09

    -234.5lbs (Lowest 2009 weight)

    -230lbs (Lowest Adult weight)

    -229.4lbs (BMI under 40 – Not Morbidly Obese!)

    -214.5lbs (25% Loss from Highest)

    -213lbs (Half way there!)

    -200.7lbs (BMI under 35)

    -199.9lbs (ONEDERLAND!)

    -186lbs (100lbs GONE!)

    -176.5lbs (3/4 of the way there!)

    -172lbs (BMI under 30 – Not Obese!!)

    -161lbs (125lbs GONE!)

    -143.3lbs (BMI under 25 – NORMAL!!!!)

    -143lbs (50% Loss from Highest)

    -140lbs (BMI under 25 – NORMAL!)
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I don't have any besides my main goal. I guess I am the kind of person that would probably get discouraged if I set up mini goals and then didn't make it. I have no set deadline for my main goal.
  • Bride2B090812
    I have 14. I broke them up into 5 lb increments starting with 10 lbs as my 1st goal. For me, losing 75 lbs just seems daunting and feels like it will take FOREVER, but seeing the "mini goals" makes it seem more doable, plus I can think positively by counting how much I have lost, rather than how much I have to lose.

    10 lbs by Mar 21
    15lbs by April 4
    20 lbs by April 18
    25 lbs by May 2
    30 lbs by May 16
    35 lbs bt May 30
    40lbs by June 13
    45lbs by June 27
    50lbs by July 11
    55lbs by July 25
    60 lbs by Aug 8
    65 lbs by Aug 22
    70 lbs by Sep 5
    75 lbs by Sep 19

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    Just a note as you plan ahead ... you may want to make sure that you don't plan too aggressively for your later weight loss. It's kind of like stopping a car ... you gradually apply the brakes before the stop sign.

    I had to readjust some of my deadline-based goals because it turned out that I would have to lose more than 2 per week to get there ... or more than 1 per week later on.

    To help, go to the BMI chart ... when it shows you where you are, it also shows you underneath the graph where you'd move from "obese" to "overweight" and from "overweight" to "healthy."

    Obviously everyone's different, but a good rule of thumb is 2#/wk while in the obese category. Drop to 1.5 a week for about half of the "over" category, then drop to 1#/week for the remainder, possibly even slowing down further as you get closer to your goal.

    It's not an exact science, but part of setting goals is that they are realistic. I've had to slap myself with a reality check a few times.