MY fitness PAL& cheating

so a friend who knew i was trying to lose a lot of weight said "hey, check out this site,,its gonna help you keep track of EVERYTHING" i was really skeptical. i had already lost 17lbs (in two mos) on my own, but what could it hurt...i needed help.
so i began my journey with myfitnesspal. my goal this week was 6-3 and started J1 at 303...i first weighed in at 286..ive been using this site for two 7 days now..ive lost 7lbs!!!! (10 was a bit much) but now i can control my intake vs my output...with this site it almost feels like im cheating..hahahaha...thank you myfitnesspal! im addicted and cant stop,,wont stop..
PD from Oregon


  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    Welcome to MFP...and the wonderful world of support!!! You can add me as a friend if you wish :)